Diego Pessoa

Phd Student

Phd Student @ CIn UFPE

Diego Pessoa is an adjunct professor at Federal Institute of Paraiba - IFPB, Brazil and phd Student at Center for Informatics at Federal University of Pernambuco - UFPE, Brazil. Before, he worked as a software engineer in system development companies over 4 years. He received the undergraduate degree in Internet Systems Development in 2008 from IFPB institute and holds M.Sc. degree in Informatics from Federal University of Paraiba (UFPB), exploiting data integration over federated systems of Digital Asset Management (DAM). Since 2014, he is working toward the PhD degree exploring the area of Schema Matching, focusing on the selection of Schema Matchers.

Personal Information

  • Phd Student at UFPE
  • Professor at IFPB
  • derp@cin.ufpe.br
  • diego.pessoa@ifpb.edu.br
Personal Website

Research Interests

Data Integration

  • Metadata interoperability
  • Architectures for System Integration
  • Schema matching
  • Metadata patterns

Semantic Web

  • RDF
  • Interlinking (Instance Matching)
  • Ontology Matching
  • Datasets
  • Benchmarking

Service Oriented Architecture

  • Restful Web Services
  • Naming resolution
  • Data descovering

Learning Objects

  • Educational Tools
  • Learning Object Metadata
  • Virtual Learning Environment

Main Recent Publications


Towards a Multi-Layer Architecture for Combination of Schema Matchers

PESSOA, D. E. R.; SALGADO, A. ; LÓSCIO, B. . Towards a Multi-Layer Architecture for Combination of Schema Matchers. In: 10th Alberto Mendelzon International Workshop on Foundations of Data Management, 2016, Panama City, Panama. Proceedings of the 10th Alberto Mendelzon International Workshop on Foundations of Data Management, Panama City, Panama, Jun 8 - 10, 2016, 2016.


Um modelo Escalável de Gerenciamento e Compartilhamento de Conteúdos Digitais em Redes Universitárias e Públicas de Televisão

SOUSA, D. M. T. ; ANDRADE, C.M. ; NUNES, A. C. F. ; CAETANO, D. ; CUNHA, M. N. ; PESSOA, D. E. R. ; CASTRO, G. M. L. . Um modelo Escalável de Gerenciamento e Compartilhamento de Conteúdos Digitais em Redes Universitárias e Públicas de Televisão. In: VI Conferencia TICAL 2016, 2016, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Programa da Sexta Conferencia TICAL 2016, 2016.


A proposal for RDF data integration benchmarking

PESSOA, D. E. R.; OLIVEIRA, M. I. S. ; LÓSCIO, B. ; SALGADO, A. . A proposal for RDF data integration benchmarking. In: 2nd International Workshop on Benchmarking RDF Systems, 2014, Hangzhou, China. 2nd International Workshop on Benchmarking RDF Systems, 2014.


Integração entre redes heterogêneas de ativos digitais (Book)

PESSOA, D. Integração entre redes heterogêneas de ativos digitais. 1. ed. Nova Edições Acadêmicas, 2013.

Buy now (Book written in Brazilian-Portuguese)


Uso de Recursos Textuais Interativos no Ensino de Disciplinas de Desenvolvimento de Software

AYRES, F. ; SOUZA, D. ; MELO, L. B. ; PESSOA, D. . Uso de Recursos Textuais Interativos no Ensino de Disciplinas de Desenvolvimento de Software. In: XXXIII Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2013, Maceió/AL. Uso de Recursos Textuais Interativos no Ensino de Disciplinas de Desenvolvimento de Software, 2013.


Textando: Uma nova forma de oferecer aprendizado para alunos do IFPB Campus Cajazeiras

PESSOA, Diego Ernesto ; BEZERRA, L. M. F. S. . Textando: Uma nova forma de oferecer aprendizado para alunos do IFPB Campus Cajazeiras. In: CONNEPI, 2012, Palmas/TO. Textando: Uma nova forma de oferecer aprendizado para alunos do IFPB Campus Cajazeiras, 2012.



Enterprise Applications
Distributed Systems Architecture Object-Relational Mapping Software Benchmarking
Software Engineering
UML Software Development Processes Agile Methods Test Driven Development
Web Development
Client-server Architecture Web Standards Web development frameworks
Software Development
Design Patterns Model-Driven Development Rapid Application Development


Programming Languages
Java C PHP Javascript
Web Dev Technologies
Semantic Web
Database Querying