Filipe Marques Chaves de Arruda
Software engineer and researcher
- Postdoc @ UFPE -
- Smart Contracts
- Formal Methods
- Ph.D. in Computer Science @UFPE - Brazil
- Automated Software Testing
- Formal Methods
- Natural Language Processing
- Teaching Assistant
- System Analysis and Design (if718)
- Programming Paradigms (in1007)
- Master's Degree in Computer Science @ UFPE - Brazil
- BSc. Computer Science @ UFPE - Brazil
- Exchange Student @ Universidade do Porto - Portugal
Experience & Skills
- Software Engineer at Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology -
Pernambuco (2017 - current)
- Python, Django, Android, Java, Docker, Gitlab CI/CD, Sonarqube
- Researcher at FADE/TBTL (2023 - current)
- Solidity, Solc-Verify, Boogie
- Researcher at FADE/Motorola (2015 - 2022)
- CSP, Alloy, Clingo, Grammatical Framework, CoreNLP, NLTK, Android, Java, Python
- Certified Tester - 14-CTFL-03630-BR
Latest publications
A refinement-based approach to safe smart contract deployment and evolution. Software and Systems
Modeling (2024).
Safe evolution of smart contracts. In: Anais do I Colóquio em Blockchain e Web Descentralizada. SBC,
2023. p. 61-66.
Automation and consistency analysis of test cases
written in natural language: An industrial context. Science of Computer Programming, v. 189, p.
102377, 2020.
Formal Testing from Natural Language in an Industrial Context.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 19ed.: Springer International Publishing, 2016, v. , p. 21-38.
Capture and Replay with Text-Based Reuse and
Framework Agnosticism. In: The 28th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge
Engineering, 2016. v. 28. p. 420.