Leonardo Cole Neto
Master student, Informatics Centre, Federal University of Pernambuco
Brief Curriculum Vitae
Leonardo Cole and Paulo Borba. Deriving Refactorings for AspectJ. Proceedings of the 4th Aspect Oriented Software Development. Conference. Chicago, USA (to appear).
Leonardo Cole, Paulo Borba. Deriving Refactorings for AspectJ. Companion to the 19th Object-oriented programming systems, languages, and applications. Poster Session, pages 202-203, Vancouver, Canada.
Leonardo Cole, Eduardo Piveta and Autusto Sampaio. RUP Based Analysis and Design with Aspects. XVIII Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering - SBES'04, Academia de Tênis Resort. Brasília-DF, Brazil
Leonardo Cole and Paulo Borba. Using Programming Laws to Modularize Concurrency in a Replicated Database Application. 1st Brasilian Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Software Develpment - WBSOA'04 - SBES'04. October 20, 2004. Academia de Tênis Resort. Brasília-DF, Brazil
Interest links
email: lcn at cin.ufpe.br
Last Update: Dez 2004