Logic in Natural Language
January 26-30, 1998
Departamento de Informática (DI)
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE)
Recife, Brazil
Invited Talks
Subject-Predicate Logic, Descriptions, Sense, and Reference
Oswaldo Chateaubriand (Depto. de Filosofia, Pontifícia Univ. Católica, Rio de Janeiro, BR)
Model Theoretic Grammar and Parsing
Wilfried Meyer-Viol (Dept of Computing, Imperial College, London, UK)
Grammatical Logics
Richard T. Oehrle (Dept of Linguistics, Arizona Univ., USA)
Reference, Intentionality, and the Aims of Semantics
Scott Soames (Dept of Philosophy, Princeton Univ., USA)
Each guest speaker will give:
(i) a 2-hour tutorial on the state-of-the-art of his/her topic of
expertise, plus (ii) two or three advanced lectures on themes of
his/her recent research in the area.
Contributed talks (on Wednesday afternoon) will last for 45min.

Selected Contributions
Final Programme
Registration Form
General Information
Programme Committee
For Further Information
Visit number
since September 12, 1997.
Last modified: January 22, 1998, 11:50am.