
About me

Lucas Albuquerque

My name is Lucas Albuquerque and I'm currently taking the Computer Science Degree at Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE). I'm interested in the areas of Game Design, animation, Machine Learning and overall art and storytelling.

In this site you'll be able to see a couple of projects I worked on in College, as well as my portfolio for the entertainment arts (Games, Animation...). Thank you for visiting my page!

Curriculum Vitae Curriculum Lattes


A Vast Set of Skills

From programming to designing game assets to animating, and more!

A Fast Learner

If there's a task to be done in a project, I can adapt and learn the necessary skills to do it.

A Team Player

I learned to work with many kinds of people in internships and when I studied abroad.

A Creative Mind

Whether it's arts, games or software, I always try to be original and engaging.


Need anything?

For any clarifications, offers or proposals, please (preferably) send me an e-mail or give me a call and I'll reply as soon as possible. I look forward to working with you.