Results for Round 2 - New requirement task

Time Data

  Replic Subject SPL Technique time
1 1 1 Bestlap EIs 205
2 1 1 MobileMedia No-EIs 480
3 1 2 Bestlap No-EIs 601
4 1 2 MobileMedia EIs 261
5 2 1 Bestlap No-EIs 323
6 2 1 MobileMedia EIs 165
7 2 2 Bestlap EIs 881
8 2 2 MobileMedia No-EIs 689
9 3 1 Bestlap No-EIs 1156
10 3 1 MobileMedia EIs 243
11 3 2 Bestlap EIs 419
12 3 2 MobileMedia No-EIs 2047
13 4 1 Bestlap EIs 676
14 4 1 MobileMedia No-EIs 1165
15 4 2 Bestlap No-EIs 587
16 4 2 MobileMedia EIs 264
17 5 1 Bestlap EIs 400
18 5 1 MobileMedia No-EIs 1693
19 5 2 Bestlap No-EIs 1125
20 5 2 MobileMedia EIs 190
21 6 1 Bestlap EIs 149
22 6 1 MobileMedia No-EIs 657
23 6 2 Bestlap No-EIs 731
24 6 2 MobileMedia EIs 58
25 7 1 Bestlap EIs 232
26 7 1 MobileMedia No-EIs 1156
27 7 2 Bestlap No-EIs 1501
28 7 2 MobileMedia EIs 339


Errors Data

  Replic Subject SPL Technique errors
1 1 A Bestlap EIs 0
2 1 A MobileMedia No-EIs 0
3 1 B Bestlap No-EIs 1
4 1 B MobileMedia EIs 1
5 2 C Bestlap No-EIs 0
6 2 C MobileMedia EIs 0
7 2 D Bestlap EIs 0
8 2 D MobileMedia No-EIs 0
9 3 E Bestlap No-EIs 8
10 3 E MobileMedia EIs 0
11 3 F Bestlap EIs 2
12 3 F MobileMedia No-EIs 3
13 4 G Bestlap EIs 1
14 4 G MobileMedia No-EIs 0
15 4 H Bestlap No-EIs 0
16 4 H MobileMedia EIs 0
17 5 I Bestlap EIs 0
18 5 I MobileMedia No-EIs 1
19 5 J Bestlap No-EIs 2
20 5 J MobileMedia EIs 0
21 6 K Bestlap EIs 0
22 6 K MobileMedia No-EIs 0
23 6 L Bestlap No-EIs 4
24 6 L MobileMedia EIs 0
25 7 M Bestlap EIs 0
26 7 M MobileMedia No-EIs 1
27 7 N Bestlap No-EIs 2
28 7 N MobileMedia EIs 1

ANOVA summary

DfSum SqMean SqF valuePr(>F)
replic 6 414.16 69.03 1.9960 0.1452
spl 1 2.88 2.88 0.0833 0.7778
technique 1 1286.46 1286.46 37.2003 5.343e-05 ***
replic:subject 7 390.18 55.74 1.6118 0.2230
Residuals 12 414.99 34.58

--- Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Differences between both approaches

Standard deviation time without Emergent Interfaces: 501.048532447838

Standard deviation time with Emergent Interfaces: 220.199859268752

Mean time without Emergent Interfaces: 993.642857142857

Mean time with Emergent Interfaces: 320.142857142857

without / with: 3.10374832663989

Median time without Emergent Interfaces: 928

Median time with Emergent Interfaces: 252

without / with: 3.68253968253968

Time results without Emergent Interfaces:

480  601  323  689  1156  2047  1165  587  1693  1125  657  731  1156  1501

Time results with Emergent Interfaces:

205  261  165  881  243  419  676  264  400  190  149  58  232  339


275  340  158  -192  913  1628  489  323  1293  935  508  673  924  1162

Mean(No-EIs, Bestlap) = 860.571428571429

Mean(No-EIs, MobileMedia) = 1126.71428571429

Mean(EIs, Bestlap) = 423.142857142857

Mean(EIs, MobileMedia) = 217.142857142857

Tukey test for additivity


 Bartlett test of homogeneity of variances

  • data:y and group
  • Bartlett's K-squared = 1.3303 , df = 1 , p-value = 0.2488