A.1 Documentos Padrões PMI |
A.2 Desenvolvimento da Criação Original |
A.3 A Não Adoção de Trabalho Original Como Padrão |
Os seguintes procedimentos foram estabelecidos como política para Instituto em votação
da Diretoria do Project Management Institute (PMI), numa reunião em Outubro de 1993.
A.1 Documentos Padrões PMI
A.2 Development of Original Works
A.3 Adoption of Non-Original Works as Standards
Documentos Padrões PMI são aqueles desenvolvidos ou publicados pelo PMI que descrevem as práticas
geralmente aceitas pela gerência de projetos, especificamente:
• Um Manual para O Universo do Conhecimento em Gerência de Projetos (PMBOK).
• Manual para O Universo do Conhecimento em Gerência de Projetos (Handbooks).
Documentos adicionais podem ser acrescidos a esta lista pelo Diretor de Padrões de
acordo com o conselho e consentimento do Grupo de Desenvolvimento Profissional (PDG) do PMI.
Documentos Padrões podem ser publicações de trabalho original pelo PMI ou podem ser publicações
de outras organizações ou indivíduos.
Documentos Padrões serão desenvolvidos de acordo com o “Código de Boas Práticas para
Padronização” desenvolvido pelo International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
Standards Documents that are original works to be published by PMI will be developed
as follows:
• Prospective developer(s) will submit a proposal to the Director of Standards.
The Director may also request such proposals. The Director will accept or reject
such proposals and will inform the proposer as to the rationale for the decision.
If the proposal requires funding in excess of that budgeted for standards
development, the Director will submit the proposal to the PMI Board
before approving it.
• The Director will support the developer’s efforts so as to maximize the probability
that the end product will be accepted.
• When the proposed material has been completed to the satisfaction of the developer,
the developer will submit the material to the Director of Standards.
The Director will appoint at least three knowledgeable individuals to review
and comment on the material. Based on comments received, the Director will
decide whether to accept the material as an Exposure Draft. Developer(s) will
be required to sign PMI’s standard copyright release prior to publication of the
Exposure Draft.
• Exposure Drafts will be published under the aegis of the PMI Publications Board
and must meet the standards of that group regarding typography and style.
• Exposure Drafts will be generally available to anyone who wishes to review the
material. The Director of Standards will define a review period of not less than
six months for all Exposure Drafts. Each Exposure Draft will include a notice
asking for comments to be sent to the Director and noting the expiration of
the review period.
• At the conclusion of the review period, the Director of Standards will review
comments received and will work with the developer(s) and others as needed to
incorporate appropriate comments. If the comments are major, the Director may
elect to repeat the Exposure Draft review process. The Director will promptly
submit proposed Standards Documents to the PDG for review and approval. The
PDG may (a) approve the document as submitted; (b) reject the document; or (c)
require a repetition of the Exposure Draft review process.
Standards Documents that are the work of other organizations or individuals will
be handled as follows:
• Anyone may submit a request to the Director of Standards to consider a non-PMI
publication as a PMI Standard. The Director will appoint at least three
knowledgeable individuals to consider the material. If the comments received
are positive, the Director will prepare a proposal for the PDG to consider regarding
a prospective relationship with the owner(s) of the material.
• The Director’s proposal shall address the review and approval process, possible
effects on Certification and Accreditation, whether or not PMI Board action
is needed, and any financial considerations.
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