Report 13: Computer technology and the Internet have a tremendous potential to broaden the lives and increase the independence of people with disabilities. Those who have difficulty leaving their homes can now log in and order groceries, shop for appliances, re s e a rch health questions, participate in online discussions, catch up with friends, or make new ones. Blind people, who used to wait months or years for the information they needed to be made available in Braille or on audiotape, can now access the very same news stories, magazine articles, government reports, and information on consumer products at the very same time it becomes available to the sighted population. People who have diff iculty holding a pen or using a keyboard can use the latest speech recognition software to write letters, pay their bills, or perform work-related tasks. The present report, using data from the same survey, demonstrates that gaps in computer and Internet use based on disability status are just as large as those based on race and ethnicity. These new technologies hold great promise, but as this report makes abundantly clear, the computer revolution has left the vast majority of people with disabilities behind. Only one-quarter of people with disabilities own computers, and only one-tenth ever make use of the Internet. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tecnologias computacionais tem um grande potencial para mudar as vidas e aumentar a independencia das pessoas com deficiencia. the computer revolution has left the vast majority of people with disabilities behind. Only one-quarter of people with disabilities own computers, and only one-tenth ever make use of the Internet. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ==========CONCLUSION=============================== People with disabilities are perhaps the single segment of society with the most to gain from the new technologies of the electronic age. Yet they have among the lowest rates of use of these technologies. As a result, the potential benefits of computers and the Internet to the disability community are a long way from being realized. Many people with disabilities, whether elderly or not, lack an awareness of the potential benefits of this technology, an understanding that, for themselves especially, a computer and an Internet connection could become not a toy, but an important tool with which to gain greater independence and social integration. ----------------------------------------------------------------- People with disabilities are perhaps the single segment of society with the most to gain from the new technologies of the electronic age. Yet they have among the lowest rates of use of these technologies. a computer and an Internet connection could become not a toy, but an important tool with which to gain greater independence and social integration. ------------------------------------------------------------------ ==============característica dos intrevistados============= Respondents are asked whether anyone in the household has “a health problem or disability which prevents them f rom working or which limits the kind or amount of work they can do.” The question provides a re a s o nable way of identifying a sample of persons at least 15 years of age who are limited in their ability to work.