A Da Vinci Code B Triples C The 3-Regular Graph D GCD LCM E The Bus Driver Problem F The Sultan's Feast G Blobs in the Board H Binary*3 Type Multiple I Tri-Isomorphism J Digit Blocks problems at the UVA Online Judge, numbers 11385-11394. Resolvidos: OK - A Da Vinci Code - aritmético (numeros de fibonacci) OK - B Triples - nike ( O(N^2) ) OK - C The 3-Regular Graph - nike OK - D GCD LCM - aritmético OK - E The Bus Driver Problem - emparelhamento em grafo bipartido de peso máximo OK - F The Sultan's Feast - componentes fortemente conexos + topological sort + backtracking OK - G Blobs in the Board - busca em largura OK - H Binary*3 Type Multiple - aritmético OK - I Tri-Isomorphism - grafos OK - J Digit Blocks - aritmético