A John B Double Queue C 'JBC' D Loan Scheduling E Showstopper F Highway G Computers H The Stable Marriage Problem I Arne Saknussemm problems at the ACM ICPC Live Archive numbers 3830-3838 Resolvidos: OK - A John - Teoria dos Jogos ( Misére Nim ) OK - B Double Queue - nike OK - C 'JBC' - aritmético ( white spaces = { ' ' , , ... } eliminá-los com isspace() de ) OK - D Loan Scheduling - greedy + disjoint set OK - E Showstopper - busca binária OK - F Highway - considerar a highway de (0,0) à (L,0) , greedy OK - G Computers - programação dinâmica standard OK - H The Stable Marriage Problem - greedy (The Stable Marriage Problem ) OK - I Arne Saknussemm - simulação ( se conformar com presentation error )