A And Then There Was One B Prime Gap C Minimal Backgammon D Lowest Pyramid E Geometric Map F Slim Span G The Morning after Halloween H Bug Hunt I Most Distant Point from the Sea J The Teacher's Side of Math problemas do ICPC Live Archive - 3882 a 3891 Resolvidos: OK - A And Then There Was One - nike + aritmético OK - B Prime Gap - aritmético - ( números primos ) OK - C Minimal Backgammon - programação dinâmica ( memoization ) - D Lowest Pyramid OK - E Geometric Map - geométrico + dijkstra OK - F Slim Span - grafos ( ordenar as arestas, e varrê-las em O(N) ) - G The Morning after Halloween OK - H Bug Hunt - nike OK - I Most Distant Point from the Sea - busca Ternária - J The Teacher's Side of Math