A 11319 - Stupid Sequence B 11331 - The Joys of Farming C 11324 - The Largest Clique D 11377 - Airport Setup E 11305 - Chess on Planet X F 11363 - Cuckoo Hashing G 11387 - The 3-Regular Graph H 11381 - Elegant Strings problemas do UVA Judge Online Resolvidos: OK - A Stupid Sequence - aritmético ( F[1000] já é suficiente para determinar os polinomios... F[1001] também serve? F[1024] ? ) OK - B The Joys of Farming - Bicoloring + Knapsack OK - C The Largest Clique - Componentes Fortemente Conexos + longest path em um DAG OK - D Airport Setup - BFS - E Chess on Planet X OK - F Cuckoo Hashing - disjoint set OK - G The 3-Regular Graph - nike OK - H Elegant Strings - mcmf