A - PC^3 B - Birds of a feather should not play together C - Simple Encryption D - Safe Packing E - The Flat Cupboard F - Wiring Assistant G - Word Find H - Software Dispatcher I - Video Watcher J - The Prank problemas do LIVE ARCHIVE ICPC de 2068 a 2074 e 2186 a 2188 Resolvidos: OK - A - PC^3 - nike OK - B - Birds of a feather should not play together - nike OK - C - Simple Encryption - nike OK - D - Safe Packing - Greedy OK - E - The Flat Cupboard - simulação + recursão OK - F - Wiring Assistant - compressão de coordenadas OK - G - Word Find - montar o grafo e bicolorir OK - H - Software Dispatcher - Busca Binária + Matching OK - I - Video Watcher - memoization - J - The Prank