3770 A - What is the air speed velocity... 3771 B - The Brave Sir Robin's cAsE cOrReCtOr 3772 C - Sir Bedavere's Bogus Division Solutions 3773 D - One...Two...Five! 3774 E - Taunt Exposure Estimation 3775 F - Ye Holy Hand Grenades! 3776 G - Nested Shrubbery Boxes 3777 H - And Now For Something Completely Different! 3778 I - Taunt Generation Simulator 3779 J - No Left Turns 3780 K - Coconuts problemas do LIVE ARCHIVE ICPC Resolvidos: OK - A - What is the air speed velocity... - nike OK - B - The Brave Sir Robin's cAsE cOrReCtOr - nike OK - C - Sir Bedavere's Bogus Division Solutions - nike OK - D - One...Two...Five! - nike OK - E - Taunt Exposure Estimation - aritmético - F - Ye Holy Hand Grenades! OK - G - Nested Shrubbery Boxes - Topological Sort ( solução O(N) ) OK - H - And Now For Something Completely Different! - varrer em tempo linear OK - I - Taunt Generation Simulator - parsing ( pode haver espaços no inicio e final das frases. eles devem ser retirados ) OK - J - No Left Turns - bfs OK - K - Coconuts - corte mínimo