3996 A - Digit Counting 3997 B - Numerical surprises 3998 C - Prime k-tuple 3999 D - The longest constant gene 4000 E - Lazy Susan 4001 F - Square Painting 4002 G - The Ultimate Password 4003 H - Plagiarism Detection 4004 I - Space Beacon 4005 J - Ig-Nobel Prize problemas do LIVE ARCHIVE ICPC Resolvidos: OK - A - Digit Counting - nike OK - B - Numerical surprises - nike - C - Prime k-tuple - D - The longest constant gene - E - Lazy Susan - F - Square Painting OK - G - The Ultimate Password - KMP + PD - H - Plagiarism Detection OK - I - Space Beacon - programação dinâmica - J - Ig-Nobel Prize