A - 501 - Black Box B - 506 - System Dependencies C - 510 - Optimal Routing D - 531 - Compromise E - 539 - The Settlers of Catan F - 541 - Error Correction G - 567 - Risk H - 576 - Haiku Review I - 580 - Critical MasS J - 586 - Instant Complexity Problemas do UVA ONLINE JUDGE OK - A - Black Box - Segment Tree ( heap também resolve... ? ) - B - System Dependencies - C - Optimal Routing OK - D - Compromise - LCS OK - E - The Settlers of Catan - backtracking OK - F - Error Correction - nike OK - G - Risk - floyd warshall OK - H - Haiku Review - nike OK - I - Critical Mass - nike OK - J - Instant Complexity - nike