A An antiarithmetic permutation B Billiard bounces C Close Relatives D Dice from pennies E Eigensequence F Fabled Rooks G Gopher that walks and swims H Hoax or what I Ingenuous Cubrency J Nuts and Bolts K Counting Quadrilaterals problemas do UVA ONLINE JUDGE números 11129 a 11139 Resolvidos: OK - A An antiarithmetic permutation - sort ( p[k] - [i] != 2*p[j] , separe os pares e os ímpares ) OK - B Billiard bounces - simulação ( considerar separademente as coordenadas ) OK - C Close Relatives - DFS OK - D Dice from pennies - nike ( só dificil de entender ) OK - E Eigensequence - PD - F Fabled Rooks - G Gopher that walks and swims OK - H Hoax or what - fila de prioridades OK - I Ingenuous Cubrency - PD ( coin change ) OK - J Nuts and Bolts - Maximum Bipartite Matching - K Counting Quadrilaterals