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AspectJML 1.7.0 Readme
The full list of resolved issues in 1.7.0 (which is available since 12-Dec-2014) is listed below:
- Fixing the JML non_null checking semantics that was broken due the support of Java 5 features
- Fixing the privacy rules related to type specifications when checked during compilation. For instance,
the if we have a public field of type int say f and if we have a private invariant constraining
(e.g //@ private invariant f > 0; ) this field, we get
no error during compiling time. This should be an error because the invariant is not visible to public clients and therefore cannot
enforce (and are not supposed to do) hidden constraints. But now this rule is being checked and errors related are issues properly.
Notable changes
Enhancement of Java 5+ features
Since AspectJML is based on the old JML2 infrastructure of JML, which has no support for Java features above 1.4,
the enhancement to support Java 1.5 or above is continuous. This time AspectJML was enhanced in Enum types and speed up of Java 5+ parsing.