I'm Hugo Santos
Daily Student, Communicator, Rider and Maker
I study and share knowledge in Brasil for the reason that it can change the country. I'm lookin for align my interpersonal, intrapersonal skills and technical knowledge to achieve this goal.
What I do
Computer Engeniering student at Federal University of Pernambuco, Eletronic Technician and Technical Administration student. I have expirience in IoT projects, web and mobile developments, inovation and public speak. I really like to ride a bike to many places and I adopt the bike as transport vehicle for shorts and medium distances in a normal day. Chalenges motivate me to always be in search of knowledge, innovation and improve myself. So, I look for competitions with the aim of learning and update myself. I'm a very communicative person and that give me the advantage to work as team and have the opportunity to exchange experience and keep learning.

Curupira is an IoT Device for wildfire risk monitoring in rural areas, hardware and software, capable of identify changes in the climatic conditions of an area, calculate and report the risk.

Padrinhos Mágicos
Padrinhos Mágicos is a platform that connects volunteers to Children's Homes and Homes for the Elderly, with the goal of bringing affection to those who need it. 1st Place Award at Campus Mobile Contest 2018, in Smart Cities category, out over 60 participants.

Live - Vehicle Innovation Lab
Research and development in the Embedded Systems area. Working with the development of projects related to embedded systems, automotive systems and smartcities in partnership with CIn/UFPE/Fiat Chrysler Automobiles.