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package: the library unit

A package is what you get when you use the import keyword to bring in an entire library, such as

import java.util.*;

This brings in the entire utility library that’s part of the standard Java distribution. Since Vector is in java.util, you can now either specify the full name java.util.Vector (which you can do without the import statement), or you can simply say Vector (because of the import).

If you want to bring in a single class, you can name that class in the import statement

import java.util.Vector;

Now you can use Vector with no qualification. However, none of the other classes in java.util are available.

The reason for all this importing is to provide a mechanism to manage “name spaces.” The names of all your class members are insulated from each other. A method f( ) inside a class A will not clash with an f( ) that has the same signature (argument list) in class B. But what about the class names? Suppose you create a stack class that is installed on a machine that already has a stack class that’s written by someone else? With Java on the Internet, this can happen without the user knowing it since classes can get downloaded automatically in the process of running a Java program.

This potential clashing of names is why it’s important to have complete control over the name spaces in Java, and to be able to create a completely unique name regardless of the constraints of the Internet.

So far, most of the examples in this book have existed in a single file and have been designed for local use, and haven’t bothered with package names. (In this case the class name is placed in the “default package.”) This is certainly an option, and for simplicity’s sake this approach will be used whenever possible throughout the rest of the book. If you’re planning to create a program that is “Internet friendly,” however, you must think about preventing class name clashes.

When you create a source-code file for Java, it’s commonly called a compilation unit (sometimes a translation unit ). Each compilation unit must have a name ending in .java, and inside the compilation unit there can be a public class that must have the same name as the file (including capitalization, but excluding the .java filename extension). If you don’t do this, the compiler will complain. There can be only one public class in each compilation unit (again, the compiler will complain). The rest of the classes in that compilation unit, if there are any, are hidden from the world outside that package because they’re not public, and they comprise “support” classes for the main public class.

When you compile a .java file you get an output file with exactly the same name but an extension of .class for each class in the .java file. Thus you can end up with quite a few .class files from a small number of .java files. If you’ve programmed with a compiled language, you might be used to the compiler spitting out an intermediate form (usually an “obj” file) that is then packaged together with others of its kind using a linker (to create an executable file) or a librarian (to create a library). That’s not how Java works. A working program is a bunch of .class files, which can be packaged and compressed into a JAR file (using the jar utility in Java 1.1). The Java interpreter is responsible for finding, loading and interpreting these files. [23]

A library is also a bunch of these class files. Each file has one class that is public (you’re not forced to have a public class, but it’s typical), so there’s one component for each file. If you want to say that all these components (that are in their own separate .java and .class files) belong together, that’s where the package keyword comes in.

When you say:

package mypackage;

at the beginning of a file, where the package statement must appear as the first non-comment in the file, you’re stating that this compilation unit is part of a library named mypackage. Or, put another way, you’re saying that the public class name within this compilation unit is under the umbrella of the name mypackage, and if anyone wants to use the name they must either fully specify the name or use the import keyword in combination with mypackage (using the choices given previously). Note that the convention for Java packages is to use all lowercase letters, even for intermediate words.

For example, suppose the name of the file is This means there can be one and only one public class in that file, and the name of that class must be MyClass (including the capitalization):

package mypackage;
public class MyClass { 

// . . .

Now, if someone wants to use MyClass or, for that matter, any of the other public classes in mypackage, they must use the import keyword to make the name or names in mypackage available. The alternative is to give the fully-qualified name:

mypackage.MyClass m = new mypackage.MyClass();

The import keyword can make this much cleaner:

import mypackage.*;
// . . . 
MyClass m = new MyClass(); 

It’s worth keeping in mind that what the package and import keywords allow you to do, as a library designer, is to divide up the single global name space so you won’t have clashing names, no matter how many people get on the Internet and start writing classes in Java.

Creating unique package names

You might observe that, since a package never really gets “packaged” into a single file, a package could be made up of many .class files, and things could get a bit cluttered. To prevent this, a logical thing to do is to place all the .class files for a particular package into a single directory; that is, use the hierarchical file structure of the operating system to your advantage. This is how Java handles the problem of clutter.

It also solves two other problems: creating unique package names and finding those classes that might be buried in a directory structure someplace. This is accomplished, as was introduced in Chapter 2, by encoding the path of the location of the .class file into the name of the package. The compiler enforces this, but by convention, the first part of the package name is the Internet domain name of the creator of the class, reversed. Since Internet domain names are guaranteed to be unique (by InterNIC, [24] who controls their assignment) if you follow this convention it’s guaranteed that your package name will be unique and thus you’ll never have a name clash. (That is, until you lose the domain name to someone else who starts writing Java code with the same path names as you did.) Of course, if you don’t have your own domain name then you must fabricate an unlikely combination (such as your first and last name) to create unique package names. If you’ve decided to start publishing Java code it’s worth the relatively small effort to get a domain name.

The second part of this trick is resolving the package name into a directory on your machine, so when the Java program runs and it needs to load the .class file (which it does dynamically, at the point in the program where it needs to create an object of that particular class, or the first time you access a static member of the class), it can locate the directory where the .class file resides.

The Java interpreter proceeds as follows. First, it finds the environment variable CLASSPATH (set via the operating system when Java, or a tool like a Java-enabled browser, is installed on a machine). CLASSPATH contains one or more directories that are used as roots for a search for .class files. Starting at that root, the interpreter will take the package name and replace each dot with a slash to generate a path name from the CLASSPATH root (so package becomes foo\bar\baz or foo/bar/baz depending on your operating system). This is then concatenated to the various entries in the CLASSPATH. That’s where it looks for the .class file with the name corresponding to the class you’re trying to create. (It also searches some standard directories relative to where the Java interpreter resides).

To understand this, consider my domain name, which is By reversing this, com.bruceeckel establishes my unique global name for my classes. (The com, edu, org, etc. extension was formerly capitalized in Java packages, but this was changed in Java 1.2 so the entire package name is lowercase.) I can further subdivide this by deciding that I want to create a library named util, so I’ll end up with a package name:

package com.bruceeckel.util;

Now this package name can be used as an umbrella name space for the following two files:

// Creating a package
package com.bruceeckel.util;

public class Vector {
  public Vector() {
} ///:~ 

When you create your own packages, you’ll discover that the package statement must be the first non-comment code in the file. The second file looks much the same:

// Creating a package 
package com.bruceeckel.util;

public class List {
  public List() {
} ///:~ 

Both of these files are placed in the subdirectory on my system:


If you walk back through this, you can see the package name com.bruceeckel.util, but what about the first portion of the path? That’s taken care of in the CLASSPATH environment variable, which is, on my machine:


You can see that the CLASSPATH can contain a number of alternative search paths. There’s a variation when using JAR files, however. You must put the name of the JAR file in the classpath, not just the path where it’s located. So for a JAR named grape.jar your classpath would include:


Once the classpath is set up properly, the following file can be placed in any directory: (See page 97 if you have trouble executing this program.):

// Uses the library
package c05;
import com.bruceeckel.util.*;

public class LibTest {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Vector v = new Vector();
    List l = new List();
} ///:~ 

When the compiler encounters the import statement, it begins searching at the directories specified by CLASSPATH, looking for subdirectory com\bruceeckel\util, then seeking the compiled files of the appropriate names ( Vector.class for Vector and List.class for List). Note that both the classes and the desired methods in Vector and List must be public.

Automatic compilation

The first time you create an object of an imported class (or you access a static member of a class), the compiler will hunt for the .class file of the same name (so if you’re creating an object of class X, it looks for X.class) in the appropriate directory. If it finds only X.class , that’s what it must use. However, if it also finds an in the same directory, the compiler will compare the date stamp on the two files, and if is more recent than X.class, it will automatically recompile to generate an up-to-date X.class.

If a class is not in a .java file of the same name as that class, this behavior will not occur for that class.


What happens if two libraries are imported via * and they include the same names? For example, suppose a program does this:

import com.bruceeckel.util.*;
import java.util.*; 

Since java.util.* also contains a Vector class, this causes a potential collision. However, as long as the collision doesn’t actually occur, everything is OK – this is good because otherwise you might end up doing a lot of typing to prevent collisions that would never happen.

The collision does occur if you now try to make a Vector:

Vector v = new Vector();

Which Vector class does this refer to? The compiler can’t know, and the reader can’t know either. So the compiler complains and forces you to be explicit. If I want the standard Java Vector, for example, I must say:

java.util.Vector v = new java.util.Vector();

Since this (along with the CLASSPATH) completely specifies the location of that Vector, there’s no need for the import java.util.* statement unless I’m using something else from java.util.

A custom tool library

With this knowledge, you can now create your own libraries of tools to reduce or eliminate duplicate code. Consider, for example, creating an alias for System.out.println( ) to reduce typing. This can be part of a package called tools:

// The P.rint & P.rintln shorthand

public class P {
  public static void rint(Object obj) {
  public static void rint(String s) {
  public static void rint(char[] s) {
  public static void rint(char c) {
  public static void rint(int i) {
  public static void rint(long l) {
  public static void rint(float f) {
  public static void rint(double d) {
  public static void rint(boolean b) {
  public static void rintln() {
  public static void rintln(Object obj) {
  public static void rintln(String s) {
  public static void rintln(char[] s) {
  public static void rintln(char c) {
  public static void rintln(int i) {
  public static void rintln(long l) {
  public static void rintln(float f) {
  public static void rintln(double d) {
  public static void rintln(boolean b) {
} ///:~ 

All the different data types can now be printed out either with a newline ( P.rintln( )) or without a newline ( P.rint( )).

You can guess that the location of this file must be in a directory that starts at one of the CLASSPATH locations, then continues com/bruceeckel/tools. After compiling, the P.class file can be used anywhere on your system with an import statement:

// Uses the tools library

public class ToolTest {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    P.rintln("Available from now on!");
} ///:~ 

So from now on, whenever you come up with a useful new utility, you can add it to the tools directory. (Or to your own personal util or tools directory.)

Classpath pitfall

The file brought up an interesting pitfall. Especially with early implementations of Java, setting the classpath correctly is generally quite a headache. During the development of this book, the file was introduced and seemed to work fine, but at some point it began breaking. For a long time I was certain that this was the fault of one implementation of Java or another, but finally I discovered that at one point I had introduced a program (, shown in Chapter 17) that used a different class P. Because it was used as a tool, it was sometimes placed in the classpath, and other times it wasn’t. When it was, the P in was found first by Java when executing a program in which it was looking for the class in, and the compiler would say that a particular method couldn’t be found. This was frustrating because you can see the method in the above class P and no further diagnostics were reported to give you a clue that it was finding a completely different class. (That wasn’t even public.)

At first this could seem like a compiler bug, but if you look at the import statement it says only “here’s where you might find P.” However, the compiler is supposed to look anywhere in its classpath, so if it finds a P there it will use it, and if it finds the “wrong” one first during a search then it will stop looking. This is slightly different from the case described on page 196 because there the offending classes were both in packages, and here there was a P that was not in a package, but could still be found during a normal classpath search.

If you’re having an experience like this, check to make sure that there’s only one class of each name anywhere in your classpath.

Using imports to change behavior

A feature that is missing from Java is C’s conditional compilation , which allows you to change a switch and get different behavior without changing any other code. The reason such a feature was left out of Java is probably because it is most often used in C to solve cross-platform issues: different portions of the code are compiled depending on the platform that the code is being compiled for. Since Java is intended to be automatically cross-platform, such a feature should not be necessary.

However, there are other valuable uses for conditional compilation. A very common use is for debugging code. The debugging features are enabled during development, and disabled for a shipping product. Allen Holub ( came up with the idea of using packages to mimic conditional compilation. He used this to create a Java version of C’s very useful assertion mechanism , whereby you can say “this should be true” or “this should be false” and if the statement doesn’t agree with your assertion you’ll find out about it. Such a tool is quite helpful during debugging.

Here is the class that you’ll use for debugging:

// Assertion tool for debugging

public class Assert {
  private static void perr(String msg) {
  public final static void is_true(boolean exp) {
    if(!exp) perr("Assertion failed");
  public final static void is_false(boolean exp){
    if(exp) perr("Assertion failed");
  public final static void 
  is_true(boolean exp, String msg) {
    if(!exp) perr("Assertion failed: " + msg);
  public final static void 
  is_false(boolean exp, String msg) {
    if(exp) perr("Assertion failed: " + msg);
} ///:~ 

This class simply encapsulates boolean tests, which print error messages if they fail. In Chapter 9, you’ll learn about a more sophisticated tool for dealing with errors called exception handling , but the perr( ) method will work fine in the meantime.

When you want to use this class, you add a line in your program:


To remove the assertions so you can ship the code, a second Assert class is created, but in a different package:

// Turning off the assertion output 
// so you can ship the program.

public class Assert {
  public final static void is_true(boolean exp){}
  public final static void is_false(boolean exp){}
  public final static void 
  is_true(boolean exp, String msg) {}
  public final static void 
  is_false(boolean exp, String msg) {}
} ///:~ 

Now if you change the previous import statement to:


The program will no longer print out assertions. Here’s an example:

// Demonstrating the assertion tool
package c05;
// Comment the following, and uncomment the
// subsequent line to change assertion behavior:
// import*;

public class TestAssert {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Assert.is_true((2 + 2) == 5);
    Assert.is_false((1 + 1) == 2);
    Assert.is_true((2 + 2) == 5, "2 + 2 == 5");
    Assert.is_false((1 + 1) == 2, "1 +1 != 2");
} ///:~ 

By changing the package that’s imported, you change your code from the debug version to the production version. This technique can be used for any kind of conditional code.

Package caveat

It’s worth remembering that anytime you create a package, you implicitly specify a directory structure when you give the package a name. The package must live in the directory indicated by its name, which must be a directory that is searchable starting from the CLASSPATH. Experimenting with the package keyword can be a bit frustrating at first, because unless you adhere to the package-name to directory-path rule, you’ll get a lot of mysterious run-time messages about not being able to find a particular class, even if that class is sitting there in the same directory. If you get a message like this, try commenting out the package statement, and if it runs you’ll know where the problem lies.

[23] There’s nothing in Java that forces the use of an interpreter. There exist native-code Java compilers that generate a single executable file.


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