Collegiate Sports Paging System
Use Case Specification: Approve Story
Version 2.0
Revision History
Date |
Version |
Description |
Author |
October 9, 1999 |
1.0 |
Initial version |
Context Integration |
December 1, 1999 |
2.0 |
Update with detail from Elaboration |
Context Integration |
Table of Contents
Approve Story ![Top of page](../../images/top.gif)
Brief Description
This Use Case takes place when an editor approves a story for inclusion in
the Collegiate Sports Paging System. Some stories will automatically propogate
from the existing system, but some stories will require editor intervention
(either because their subject is not clear or the categories to which the story
belongs are not clear). This flow is also used to approve advertising content
being posted.
Flow of Events ![Top of page](../../images/top.gif)
Basic Flow
- The system places a story in the editor’s
"to-do" workflow queue. If more than one editor is defined, a
round-robin approach is used to attempt to balance load. Editors
may be marked as unavailable (if, for instance, they are on vacation or sick
or out of the office), in which case they will not be included in the
round-robin process.
- The editor views the story.
- The editor categorizes the story by selecting from system-provided
categories. There may be more than one category
assigned to the story. At least one category must be assigned to the
- The editor then marks the story as approved.
- The system includes the story in the list of available content for paging
- The system triggers initiation of paging messages.
Alternate Flows
- Reject Content
- The editor views the story.
- The editor marks the story as rejected and describes the reason for
- The system notifies the originator of the content that the story has
been rejected and includes the reason provided by the editor.
- The system deletes the story.
- Modify Content
- Editor selects "Modify Story"
- System displays titles of all stories available
- Editor selects specific title
- System displays characteristics of story
- Editor updates characteristics, either deleting some categories, adding
other categories, or both.
- Editor selects "Save"
- System re-posts the story to the list of available content for paging
- The system triggers initiation of paging messages.
- Approve Advertising Content
- The editor views the advertising content
- The editor marks it approved.
- The system includes the advertising content in the list of available
advertising for display
- The system creates a preliminary billing record, using information
stored about the advertiser (billing rate indicator, advertiser name and
billing address), content identification, date, and total due.
- The system marks the preliminary billing record as approved
- Reject Advertising Content
- The editor views the advertising content
- The editor marks it rejected and provides a reason for rejection. This
may include account overdue, content inappropriate or not within scope of
contract, or duplicate content (advertising content is already on file and
being displayed).
- The system notifies the advertiser (via email) of the rejection and the
- The system deletes the content.
- Story not viewable
If the story has been deleted by another editor and is not currently
viewable, the use case terminates.
Special Requirements ![Top of page](../../images/top.gif)
Preconditions ![Top of page](../../images/top.gif)
Editor must be logged in.
Postconditions ![Top of page](../../images/top.gif)
When this use case is complete, content is available. For advertising
content, the content will be eligible for display immediately. For story
content, the paging process can begin immediately.
Extension Points ![Top of page](../../images/top.gif)
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