User-Interface Designer
The user-interface designer leads and coordinates
the prototyping and design of the user interface, by:
- capturing requirements on the user interface, including usability
- building user-interface prototypes
- involving other stakeholders of the user interface, such as end-users, in
usability reviews and use testing sessions
- reviewing and providing the appropriate feedback on the final
implementation of the user interface, as created by other developers; that
is, designers and implementers.
The user-interface designer does not implement the
user interface. Instead, a user-interface designer focuses and devotes time only
on the design and the "visual shaping" of the user interface, because:
- the skills required by a user-interface designer often need to be improved
and optimized for the current project and application type, with potentially
unique usability requirements, and this requires both time and focus
- the risk of "mixed allegiances" must be delimited; that is, the
user-interface designer needs to be influenced more by usability
considerations than implementation considerations
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