Tool Mentor:
Managing Stakeholder Requests Using Rational ClearQuest and Rational RequisitePro
This tool mentor describes how to create and associate
requirements in Rational RequisitePro® with enhancement requests in Rational
ClearQuest®, allowing
the analyst to efficiently track the origin of requirements. It also describes how to manage requirement properties from within ClearQuest.
Note: Both RequisitePro and ClearQuest must be installed, and a
Rational Administrator project must be configured with both products to access this functionality.
Related Rational Unified Process information:
The analyst’s role is to incorporate user feedback
and stakeholder needs into the system definition. Rational’s integration
between ClearQuest and RequisitePro allows qualified enhancement requests to be
easily associated with related requirements, thereby tracking the source of
For each enhancement request identified to drive system functionality from ClearQuest, the analyst can create or associate one or many requirements by
reformulating the text of the enhancement request into a valid requirement
definition. A well-defined requirement definition refers to those requirements
that are testable, unambiguous, consistent, verifiable, and complete.
Requirements are stored in RequisitePro, but can be created either in ClearQuest
or RequisitePro, and their properties may be managed from within either ClearQuest or RequisitePro.
Note: Associating requests to requirements
is accomplished from the RequisitePro or ClearQuest Windows applications.
Tool Steps
This document contains the following steps:
- Enable the ClearQuest and
RequisitePro integration
- Use ClearQuest to select a RequisitePro project
- Use ClearQuest to associate requirements with
enhancement requests
- Use ClearQuest to create requirements from enhancement
- Manage requirement properties from ClearQuest
1. Enable
the ClearQuest and RequisitePro integration 
Minimal setup is necessary to associate enhancement requests to requirements. This setup involves using a Rational Suite project to
point to the ClearQuest database and the RequisitePro project. In the setup, the
ClearQuest administrator defines the types of requirements that can be
created from ClearQuest. Each customer defines a mapping to automate
the customer's individual process. For information on enabling this integration, see the document
entitled Rational Suite Administrator's Guide on your documentation CD.
2. Use ClearQuest to select a RequisitePro project 
To associate enhancement requests with requirements,
each enhancement request must identify a Rational Suite
project to be used as the source of the available requirements.
To select a RequisitePro project from ClearQuest:
- Select an enhancement request and click Actions
> Modify to allow the record to be edited.
- Click the Main tab.
- In the RA Project field, the drop-down list displays a listing of valid Rational Suite projects. Each Rational Suite project is associated with a unique RequisitePro project.
Choose the appropriate project and click Apply. ClearQuest saves the project reference with the enhancement request record.
3. Use ClearQuest to associate
requirements with enhancement requests 
After a Rational Suite project has been
identified in ClearQuest, the analyst is ready to associate enhancement requests
with requirements. This association can only be done using the ClearQuest
Windows application, and only after the enhancement request has been submittednot at the time of
submission. If there is an existing requirement representing
the stakeholder needs expressed in the enhancement request description, the
analyst associates the enhancement request with the existing requirement
by selecting the requirement from the complete list of requirements. Many
enhancement requests can be associated with one requirement, and many requirements can be associated with one enhancement request. In
effect, there can be a
many-to-many relationship between enhancement requests and requirements.
To associate an enhancement request with an existing
- Select an enhancement request and click Actions > Modify to
allow the record to be edited. You can select multiple enhancement requests to associate with the same requirement by
pressing the Ctrl or Shift key while clicking the mouse.
- Click the Requirements tab. This tab is used to select and remove
associated requirements as well as viewing the properties of the associated
- Click the Add to List button. The Select
Requirement dialog is displayed. Requirements displayed in this dialog are dynamically queried
from the RequisitePro project specified. See step 2, Use ClearQuest to select a RequisitePro project.
Requirement types are available for selection to allow the analyst to select the type of
requirement to create.
- In the Requirements of type field, select the FEAT
requirement type. All FEAT requirements are displayed.
- Select the desired requirement and click OK.
- Click Apply to save your changes.
Refer to the Tool Mentor: Eliciting Stakeholder Requests Using
Rational ClearQuest for further details.
4. Use ClearQuest to create
requirements from enhancement requests 
If the stakeholder need reflected in the enhancement
request definition is not represented by any existing requirements, the analyst
can create a new requirement from ClearQuest.
- Select an enhancement request and click Actions > Modify to
allow the record to be edited. You can select multiple enhancement requests to associate with the same requirement by
pressing the Ctrl or Shift key while clicking the mouse.
- Click the Requirements tab. This tab is used to select and remove
associated requirements as well as viewing the properties of the associated
- Click the Add to List button. The Select
Requirements dialog is displayed. Requirements displayed in this dialog are dynamically queried
from the RequisitePro project specified. See step 2, Use ClearQuest to select a RequisitePro project.
Requirement types are available for selection to allow the analyst to select the type of
requirement to create.
- Click Create . The Requirement Properties dialog
is displayed.
- Click the General tab and type the requirement name and text.
Make sure you select the appropriate package to contain your new
- Click the Attributes tab and type the requirement attributes.
- Click OK after the requirement definition is completed. The Select
Requirement dialog box reappears.
- Scroll to the bottom of the
requirements list to locate the newly created requirement, highlight it, and
click OK.
- Click Apply to save the changes. The requirement is
associated with the enhancement request.
Note: Requirements created in this manner are located only in the
database, not in documents. Requirements not located in RequisitePro documents
can be managed from ClearQuest. Within RequisitePro, you can relocate
the requirement to a document for further elaboration by cutting the requirement out of the Views
Workplace and pasting it (using RequisitePro Requirement > Cut and Requirement > Paste)
into the desired RequisitePro document.
For more information regarding the elaboration of
feature requirements in a document, see Tool
Mentor: Developing
a Vision Using Rational RequisitePro.
5. Manage requirement properties
from ClearQuest 
Requirement properties for requirements created in a database can be accessed directly
from within ClearQuest. After the enhancement request has been associated with a
requirement, the analyst can review and modify the requirement properties of the
associated requirement while working directly in ClearQuest. The Requirement
Properties dialog box provides viewing and editing of requirements properties.
These properties include requirement attributes, history, and relationships.
- Select an enhancement request and click the
Requirements tab. This tab is used to view the properties of the associated
- Click Actions > Modify to allow the
record to be edited.
- Select the associated requirement and click Properties
at the bottom of the form. The requirement properties are displayed.
- Make changes to the requirement.
- Click OK to save the
For more information regarding the properties of a
requirement, see RequisitePro online Help.
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