Tool Mentors > Rational ClearCase Tool Mentors > Creating an Integration and Building Workspace Using Rational ClearCase


This tool mentor describes how to create an integration and build workspace using Rational ClearCase.

Related Rational Unified Process information: Activity: Create Integration Workspaces.


The notion of integration workspace is similar to the implementers' "private workspace", where individuals can develop and change code in a contained area. The integration workspace is where subsystem and system integrators convince themselves that separately developed and tested components can  be built and work together as a product.

This tool mentor is applicable when running Microsoft Windows.

Tool Steps

To create an integration and build workspace using ClearCase:

  1. From the Windows task bar, go to the View Creation Wizard by clicking Programs > Rational ClearCase > Create View.
  2. Use the View Creation Wizard to create a workspace (ClearCase view) and configure it to select the promoted development changes. You are asked to provide information for:
  • view name
  • view location
  • other information depending on your site's configuration (the View Creation Wizard takes you through the required steps)

Consult the online help available from the View Creation Wizard for detailed information on creating a view.

General information on ClearCase views, including configuration information, is available in the ClearCase manual  Developing Software.

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