Tool Mentors > Rational ClearCase Tool Mentors > Comparing Baselines Using Rational ClearCase


This tool mentor describes how to compare two baselines of a UCM component with the Rational ClearCase Component Tree Browser.  

Related Rational Unified Process information: Activity: Monitor Project Status


In ClearCase, a UCM baseline typically represents a stable configuration for a component. A baseline identifies activities and one version of every element visible in one or more components. The ClearCase Component Tree Browser is a GUI that displays the baseline history of a component. You can use it to compare the contents of two baselines. 

This tool mentor is applicable when running Microsoft Windows.

Tool Steps

To compare two baselines in a UCM project: 

  1. Start ClearCase Explorer
  2. Open the Component Tree Browser for a specified component
  3. Select a baseline and chose comparison parameters
For further information, see the ClearCase manual Managing Software Projects.

1. Start ClearCase Explorer To top of page

To locate the component whose baseline history you want to view, perform this step:

  • From the Windows task bar, click Start > Programs > Rational ClearCase > ClearCase Explorer

2. Open the Component Tree Browser for a specified component  To top of page

  • Click Browse Baselines from the component's context menu to start the ClearCase Component Tree Browser.
  • Click the Components folder for your project to display a list of components. 
  • Right-click on a component to display a context menu. 
  • Click Browse Baselines to start the Component Tree Browser.

  See the topic titled ClearCase Component Tree Browser in ClearCase online Help. 

3. Select a baseline and chose comparison parameters To top of page

  • Select one of the displayed baselines as the basis of the comparison. 
  • From the Tools menu, choose one of the Compare… menu item. You are prompted to supply a second baseline to be used in the comparison. 
  • You can view differences in terms of activities or in terms of versions. Click the appropriate tab to choose. 

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