Tool Mentors > Rational ProjectConsole Tool Mentors > Creating a Static or Portable Copy of your Rational ProjectConsole Web Site Using Rational ProjectConsole


This tool mentor describes how to create a static copy of your ProjectConsole installation's Web site.


This tool mentor provides steps to execute a batch file that you'll use to copy an entire ProjectConsole installation to any target machine.   

Static versions (snapshots) of your portal can be created by anyone with access to the batch file ..\Program Files\Rational\ProjectConsole\bin\makeStatic.bat.

The file makeStatic.bat creates a non-dynamic version of the current ProjectConsole. All generated Web pages that belong to the portal are converted so they can be transported easily from computer to computer, usually standalone laptops, and artifacts are displayed in the state they were at the time the static ProjectConsole was made.

Tool Steps

To create a copy of the static ProjectConsole, copy all files and subdirectories located in the directory ...\Program Files\Rational\ProjectConsole\generated\static or from the directory to which the fifth (5th) argument in makeStatic.bat points.

Static ProjectConsoles can only be created by users who have access to the batch file.

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