For instance, developers have used AI for years to give seemingly intelligent life to countless game characters, from the ghosts in the classic arcade game Pac Man to the bots in the first-person shooter Unreal, and many others in between. what is considered game AI? (pathfinfing, colision detection?) - Anything that gives the illusion of intelligence to an appropriate level, thus making the game more immersive, challenging, and, most importantly, fun, can be considered game AI. Just like the use of real physics in games, good AI adds to the immersiveness of the game, drawing players in and suspending their reality for a time. Game AI probably best fits within the scope of weak AI (AI that satisfies all these requirements is considered strong AI. Unlike strong AI, weak AI involves a broader range of purposes and technologies to give machines specialized intelligent qualities.) In games, we aren't always interested in giving nonplayer characters human-level intellect. Perhaps we are writing code to control nonhuman creatures such as dragons, robots, or even rodents. Further, who says we always have to make nonplayer characters smart? Making some nonplayer characters dumb adds to the variety and richness of game content. AI in attempts to give nonplayer characters the appearance of having different personalities, or of portraying emotions or various dispositionsfor example, scared, agitated, and so on. Game AI techniques generally come in two flavors: deterministic (algoritmos rapidos e previsiveis) and nondeterministic (tecnicas de aprendizagem). Perhaps the most widely used AI technique in games is cheating. For example, in a war simulation game the computer team can have access to all information on its human opponentslocation of their base; the types, number, and location of units, etc.without having to send out scouts to gather such intelligence the way a human player must. However, cheating can be bad. If it is obvious to the player that the computer is cheating, the player likely will assume his efforts are futile and lose interest in the game. Cheating must be balanced to create just enough of a challenge for the player to keep the game interesting and fun. Finite state machines are a ubiquitous game AI technique. Developers commonly use fuzzy logic in fuzzy state machines to make the resulting actions somewhat less predictable and to reduce the burden of having to enumerate huge numbers of if-then rules. Rather than have a rule that states if distance = 10 and health = 100 then attack, as you might in a finite state machine, fuzzy logic enables you to craft rules using less precise conditions, such as if close and healthy then attack aggressively Effective and efficient pathfinding is a fundamental task that nonplayer characters must accomplish in all sorts of games. Nonplayer character units in a war simulation must be able to navigate over terrain and avoid barriers to reach the enemy. Creatures in a first-person shooter must be able to navigate through dungeons or buildings to reach or escape from the player AI techniques; others include scripting, rules-based systems, and some artificial life (A-life) techniques, to name a few The next big thing in game AI is learning. Rather than have all nonplayer character behavior be predestined by the time a game ships, the game should evolve, learn, and adapt the more it's played.