Adaptation rules adapt the pre-post specification of a procedure to contexts where it
is called. Such rules are important for practical reasons and necessary for completeness
for languages with recursive procedures. Moreover, the specification statement on which
refinement calculus is based has as its semantics the predicate transformer representation
of an adaptation rule.
A sharp adaptation rule is one that gives the weakest precondition with respect to a given
postcondition. A number of rules have been proposed, most unsound or incomplete or
Using refinement algebra, we clarify and extend the applicability of previously proposed
sharp rules for total correctness, and show how further rules may be found. Our results
justify the semantics of the specification statement used in the Co-op project, and we
account for the alternative semantics which is suitable for refinement of conjunctive
D. A. Naumann. Calculating Sharp Adaptation Rules. Information Processing Letters, 7: 201-208, 2000.