Laws of ROOL: an Object-Oriented Language
In this paper we introduce
some basic algebraic laws of ROOL, an object-oriented language similar to Java, but with a
copy rather than a reference semantics. One immediate application of the basic laws is the
derivation of more elaborate laws which formalise object-oriented design practices. We
discuss further applications of the basic laws and the importance of proving their
soundness with respect to an independent semantics.
Basic Laws of ROOL: an Object-Oriented Language
Paulo Borba and Augusto Sampaio
3rd Brazilian Workshop of Formal Methods, 33-44, 2000.
Revista de Informática Teórica e Aplicada, 7(1): 49-68, 2000.
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containing a copy of this paper. An extended version presenting the proofs of all the laws
can be obtained here.