
Sic Transit Gloric Mundi

In a borderless world, where here
and now has been  redefined to be
anytime, anywhere, everywhere,
one has to consider,
even further, what to say and
what about

Mundi arrives, here and now, to
open a (cyber) space, to measure
and try to understand a kind of
new universe. Where is it coming from,
going to, and what is the connection between
Ingá do Bacamarte,  Paraiba do Norte and
New York.

In Mundi's world there is no third, no first, 
as much as in the net the day knows no night
There is always someone, reading,
reacting, interfering, recreating, 
reconstructing, reusing, deciphering.

Like prophets, druids, prayers and blessers
from the lands of the Northeast,
the staff and collaborators aggregate
to the Internet processions, offering their
explanations, visions, views and
decodings of the world,
as well as announcing their prophecies
and exposing their complexity.

They are, like a few, writing 
the future, which has come from
tomorrow to yesterday so fast that
a lot of people haven't noticed.
May be they never will. 
Mundi them!

Recife 22-11-95

Silvio Meira,
Professor of Software Engineering - DI/UFPE