What is DATTOHEX? DATTOHEX is a programming utility I wrote so that I could include binary files within an executable program. After running a file through DATTOHEX you are left with an ascii text file in a format ready to "include" in the data segment of your program. The first character of the file is "A". This will have to be edited to the name of your zero terminated string variable. The original file is opened in read-only mode and is not effected. DATTOHEX is a command line tool created for MSDOS use but it can be used to create files for Windows programs. DATTOHEX requires no installation. It can reside in the directory you are working in or in any directory that's included in your path statement. DATTOHEX is not a free program but it is in no way crippled. At a cost of only $2.00 it is hoped that you will feel comfortable paying for it. Feel free to distribute the program as you will but please include this README.TXT file along with it. To use DATTOHEX, lets assume you have a file named SPRITE1.BIN and you wish to create a file called SPRITE1.INC to "include" in your program. Just enter the following. DATTOHEX SPRITE1.BIN SPRITE1.INC If you have questions about DATTOHEX, please e-mail them to me at: beanpole@sprynet.com If you like DATTOHEX look for other programming utilities I have written. STRIPPCX - Strips the header and palette from a PCX file (any size). This allows you to use separate graphics files in your programs that are not recognized by graphics viewers. PCXTODAT - Unpacks a PCX file to a binary data string and creates an RGB palette file. Open the external files from within your program or imbed them into your executables by passing them through DATTOHEX and use them as "include" files. DISSECT - A very small and very fast utility for chopping up a file to fit on 1.4 meg floppies. FILECOMP - Compares two files, byte for byte. Good for verifying that DISSECT did it's job properly. KODE - Used to scramble a file of any size and type. I use it to protect sensitive text files. Fortunately KODE will also de-scramble a scrambled file. All of these utilities were written in assembly and are very small executable files. I have used them for some time in my own programming and find them indispensable. Keep Programming M. Thompson