Health Watcher Projects This file describes the eclipse projects created for the Health Watcher. 1) HealthWatcherCommon This project keeps all configuration files, libraries, build scripts and execution scripts. All other projects depend on this (because we don't want to have copies of all libraries in all projects). You can use this project's build scripts to compile any version of the system. If you do not want to use this project, just copy the sources to your location and use your own build scripts. If you want to use this script, follow this steps: a) open build.xml and edit it i) edit the version you are compiling (for example 5_Adapter) ii) edit the tomcat.dir variable, to select where to copy the files b) in every project, open the class "healthwatcher.Constants" and edit the varibles you need. The most important are: i) the Database configuration ii) the FORM_PATH variable, which indicates the place in the file system where your sources are c) run the build.xml file using ant. The classes will be compiled to the HealthWatcherCommon/tmp dir and a package will be copied to the tomcat.dir. The default task will compile the java versions. You can choose to compile aspectj or caesarj using "healthwatcher-aspectj" and "healthwatcher-caesarj" tasks. NOTE that if you are using a DB other than mysql, you may need to do the following: i) copy the DB library (a .jar) to the HealthWatcherCommon/lib directory ii) in Eclipse, open this project's properties, add the jar to the build path and export it (in another tab of the build path gui) In order to run the server, go to the HealthWatcherCommon/bats directory and run the server.bat script (you may need to start the rmi registry first). Note that CaesarJ versions have a different server class, so you may need to edit the classname (look for reference). 2) HealthWatcherOO_* Java versions of the system. 3) HealthWatcherAO_* AspectJ versions of the system. To use these projects in Eclipse you need to have AJDT installed. 4) HealthWatcherCaesarJ_* CaesarJ versions of the system. To use these projects in Eclipse you need to have CaesarJ Plugin installed ( CaesarJ projects have also a lib directory, because the plugin has problems importing classpaths.