We are an advanced research cell of the Smart Cities and Internet of Things research group at Centro de Informatica - UFPE in Recife, Brazil.
In 2013 we started activities centered around Open Data and Civic Apps Hackathons. Throughout these years, we have been involved in different open innovation initiatives and also accumulated a vast experience in the organization of hackathons and jams. In 2016 we began to explore these topics under a research perspective, with the first preliminary results being published in 2017.
We focus on studying time-bounded events such as Hackathons and Jams (Game Jams, Service Jams, Government Jams), either as isolated events or within broader contexts like Open Innovation -- in cities and enterprises -- and Education. Our research explores various aspects, including participant motivation, dynamics, methodologies, and more.
We make a clear allusion to hack and joy because our research is really fun to do.
Kiev Gama - Coordinator
Breno Gonçalves - MSc
Cris Lacerda - PhD Student
Joel Alves Junior - PhD Student
Cláudia Ferraz - MSc
Lavinia Paganini - MSc
Dayanne Coutinho - MSc
Fabrizio Farias - PhD
Rafa Prado - BSc
Igor Poncell - BSc
Enaldo Correa - BSc
Filipe Barbosa Lima - BSc
Geraldo Pereira da Silva Júnior - BSc
Maura Paraiso - MSc
Natalia Pinheiro Souza - BSc
Prof. Alexander Nolte (TU/e)
Prof. Hermano Perrelli (CIn/UFPE)
Prof. George Valença (UFRPE)
Prof. Jorge Correia (UFRPE)
Prof. Gustavo Pinto (UFPA)
Prof. Cleidson Souza (UFPA)
Processo de inovação social aberta para desenvolvimento de soluções tecnológicas inclusivas e competências empreendedoras em pessoas soropositivas. Funded by FACEPE
Estruturação de práticas inbound de inovação aberta. Funded by CNPq
Modelos de inovação aberta para cidades inteligentes. Funded by CNPq
Compreendendo o Papel dos Eventos Colaborativos de Curta Duração na Economia Digital. Funded by CNPq and Coordinated by UFPA
Monitoring Coastal Areas with Mapathons and Hackathons. Funded by the Royal Academy of Engineering, in collaboration with King's College London, University of Pretoria and CSIR
Hacker Cidadão. Organized by Emprel with support from UFPE
Jeanette Falk, Alexander Nolte, Daniela Huppenkothen, Marion Weinzierl, Kiev Gama, Daniel Spikol, Erik J. Tollerud, Neil P. Chue Hong, Ines Knäpper, Linda Bailey Hayden: The Future of Hackathon Research and Practice. IEEE Access.
Cleo Schulten, Li Yuan, Kiev Gama, Wayne Holmes, Alexander Nolte, Tore Hoel, Irene-Angelica Chounta. Hack Beyond the Code: Building a Toolbox of Human-Centred Strategies for AI Literacy. AIED Companion (2) 2024.
Joel Alves de Lima Junior, Kiev Gama, Jorge S. Correia Neto. Open Innovation for Digital Transformation: Opportunities and Challenges at the Municipal level. Digital Government Research (DG.O). 2024.
Kiev Gama, George Valença, Pedro Alessio, Rafael Formiga, André Neves, Nycolas Lacerda: The Developers' Design Thinking Toolbox in Hackathons: A Study on the Recurring Design Methods in Software Development Marathons. International Journal of Human Computer Interaction. 2023.
Lavinia Paganini, Kiev Gama, Alexander Nolte, Alexander Serebrenik: Opportunities and constraints of women-focused online hackathons. GE@ICSE 2023.
Kiev Gama, George Valença, Candy Estelle Marques Laurendon, Ajo Nasidi Marques, Luís Eduardo Ramos, Ravena Amaral, Clarissa Maria Dubeux Lopes Barros, Guilherme Xavier: Hackathons as Inclusive Spaces for Prototyping Software in Open Social Innovation with NGOs. 45th International Conference in Software Engineering - Software Engineering in Society Track (ICSE-SEIS) 2023.
André Miranda, Kiev Gama, Cleidson R. B. de Souza. An Exploratory Study of the Benefits of Time-bounded Collaborative Events for Startup Founders. CHASE 2023.
Kiev Gama, Carlos Zimmerle, Lavinia Paganini.The Comfort of Distance: Student Choices and Soft Skill Development during a Hybrid Hackathon in Post-Pandemic Learning. SBES 2023.
Kiev Gama. Motivating and Demystifying IoT Learning with Hackathons in a Maker Space, Low-code Development and Rapid Prototyping. SERP4IoT 2023.
Breno Alencar Gonçalves, Evisson Lucena, Kiev Gama. Open Innovation in Cities with IoT hackathons. SERP4IoT 2023.
Wendy Mendes, Albert Richard, Tahe-Kai Tillo, Gustavo Pinto, Kiev Gama, Alexander Nolte. Socio-technical constraints and affordances of virtual collaboration - A study of four online hackathons. 25th ACM Conference On Computer-Supported Cooperative Work And Social Computing. 2022.
Igor Poncell, Kiev Gama.
Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives in Brazilian Software Development Companies: Comparing the Perspectives of Managers and Developers.
36th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES). 2022.
🏆 ** Distinguished Paper Award **
Lavinia Paganini, Claudia Ferraz, Kiev Gama, Carina Frota Alves. Promoting Game Jams and Hackathons as more Women-inclusive Environments for Informal Learning. 51st Annual Frontiers in Education (FIE) Conference. 2021.
Fabrizio Farias, Kiev Gama, Hermano Moura. O Papel do Patrocinador para Apoiar o Processo da Engenharia de Requisitos na Busca por Ideias Externas em Projetos de Inovação Aberta. Workshop em Engenharia de Requisitos (WER), 2021, Brasília, DF.
Dayanne Oliveira, Rafa Prado, Kiev Gama and George Valença. An Exploratory Study on the participation of LGBTQIA+ people in the Global Game Jam 2021. 6th International Conference on Game Jams, Hackathons and Game Creation Events (ICGJ). 2021.
Kiev Gama, Carlos Zimmerle, Pedro Rossi. Online Hackathons as an Engaging Tool to Promote Group Work in Emergency Learning. 26th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE). 2021.
Fabrizio Farias, Kiev Gama, Hermano Moura. Sponsor's perspectives on open innovation projects : Results of a qualitative study. 16th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), Chaves, Portugal. 2021.
Rafa Prado, Wendy Galeno, Kiev Gama, Gustavo Pinto. How Trans-Inclusive are Hackathons? IEEE Software 38:2. 2021.
Kiev Gama. Successful Models of Hackathons and Innovation Contests to Crowdsource Rapid Responses to COVID-19. ACM Digital Government: Research and Practice 2.2 (2020): 1-7.
Natália Pinheiro Ramos de Souza, Kiev Gama. Diversity and Inclusion: Culture and Perception in Information Technology Companies. IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje 15.4 (2020): 352-361.
Claudia Ferraz, Kiev Gama.
Female participation in game jams: a case study on gender issues in game development marathons.
Procceedings of SBGames 2020 ISSN: 2179-2259. 2020.
🏆 Master and Doctoral Thesis SBGames award.
Lavinia Paganini, Kiev Gama. Female Participation in Hackathons: A Case Study About Gender Issues in Application Development Marathons. IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje 15.4 (2020): 326-335.
George Valença, Nycolas Lacerda, Cleidson R. B. de Souza, Kiev Gama. A Systematic Mapping Study on the Organisation of Corporate Hackathons. The 46th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA). 2020.
Lavinia Paganini, Kiev Gama.
Engaging Women's Participation in Hackathons: A Qualitative Study with Participants of a Female-focused Hackathon.
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Game Jams, Hackathons and Game Creation Events (ICGJ). 2020.
🏆 ** Best Paper Award **
Kiev Gama. Participants' Motivations in the Global Service Jam. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Game Jams, Hackathons and Game Creation Events (ICGJ). 2020.
Lavinia Paganini, Kiev Gama: A preliminary study about the low engagement of female participation in hackathons. 13th International Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering (CHASE). 2020.
Serena Coetzee, Victoria Rautenbach, Cameron Green, Kiev Gama, Nicolene Fourie, Breno Goncalves, Nishanth Sastry. Using and improving mapathon data through hackathons. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives. 42, 2/W13, p. 1525-1529. 2019.
Kiev Gama. Developing course projects in a Hack day: An experience report. 24th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE). 2019.
Kiev Gama, Victoria Rautenbach, Cameron Green, Breno Alencar Gonçalves, Serena Coetzee, Nicolene Fourie, Nishanth Sastry. Mapathons and Hackathons to Crowdsource the Generation and Usage of Geographic Data. Proceedings of the 4rd International Conference on Game Jams, Hackathons and Game Creation Events (ICGJ). 2019.
Claudia Ferraz, Kiev Gama.
A Case Study About Gender Issues in a Game Jam.
Proceedings of the 4rd International Conference on Game Jams, Hackathons and Game Creation Events (ICGJ). 2019.
🏆 ** Best Paper Award **
Kiev Gama, Breno Alencar, Filipe Calegario, André Neves, and Pedro Alessio. A hackathon methodology for undergraduate course projects. 48th Annual Frontiers in Education (FIE) Conference. 2018.
Cláudia Ferraz, Kiev Gama. Participação feminina em game jams: um estudo sobre igualdade de generos em maratonas de desenvolvimento de jogos. 11o. WIT - Women in Information Technology. 2018.
Kiev Gama, Breno Alencar Gonçalves, Pedro Alessio. Hackathons in the Formal Learning Process. Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE). 2018.
Breno Alencar, Kiev Gama.
Global Gov Jam: Motivational Aspects of Participants.
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Game Jams, Hackathons and Game Creation Events (ICGJ). 2018.
🏆 ** Best Paper Award **
Kiev Gama. Civic apps competitions: Preliminary findings on the longevity and quality of their outcomes. IEEE Smart City Innovations. 2017.
Kiev Gama. Crowdsourced Software Development in Civic Apps - Motivations of Civic Hackathons Participants. 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems. 2017.
Kiev Gama. Preliminary findings on software engineering practices in civic hackathons. Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on CrowdSourcing in Software Engineering. 2017.
Dayanne Coutinho. Diversidade em Game Jams: um estudo de caso sobre a participação LGBTQIA+ em maratonas de desenvolvimento de jogos. Master's Dissertation (Computer Science), UFPE. 2023
Lavinia Paganini. The impact of event design choices of an online women-focused hackathon on participants and mentors. Master's Dissertation (Computer Science), UFPE. 2023
Igor Poncell. Diversidade e inclusão em empresas de T.I.: Análise comparativa sobre a percepção dos colaboradores e gestores. Bachelor's Degree Dissertation (Computer Science), UFPE. 2022
Rafa Prado. "Tem mais alguma pessoa trans nessa hackathon?" Análise sobre inclusão de pessoas trans e não-conformistas de gênero em eventos colaborativos de curta duração . Bachelor's Degree Dissertation (Computer Science), UFPE. 2021
Geraldo Pereira da Silva Júnior. Um Estudo Sobre Propriedade Intelectual em Hackathons. Bachelor's Degree Dissertation (Computer Engineering), UFPE. 2021
Filipe Barbosa Lima. Análise do autogerenciamento e planejamento de equipes não hierarquizadas em Hackathons. Bachelor's Degree Dissertation (Computer Engineering), UFPE. 2020
Enaldo Correa da Silva. Uma Análise Sobre Direitos Autorais em Hackathons no Brasil Fundamentada sobre os Regulamentos e Editais. Bachelor's Degree Dissertation (Computer Engineering), UFPE. 2019
Natália Pinheiro Ramos de Souza. Diversidade e inclusão: cultura versus percepção em empresas de T.I. Bachelor's Degree Dissertation (Computer Science), UFPE. 2019
Lavinia Francesca Paganini. Participação feminina em hackathons: um estudo de caso sobre questões de gênero em maratonas de desenvolvimento de aplicações. Bachelor's Degree Dissertation (Computer Science), UFPE. 2019
Breno Alencar Gonçalves. Estudo de caso sobre aspectos motivacionais em participantes de hackathons cívicos : uma análise sobre a continuidade das soluções desenvolvidas. Master's Degree Dissertation (Computer Science), UFPE. 2019
Claudia Ferraz Dutra. Participação Feminina em Game Jams: Um Estudo de Caso Sobre Questões de Gênero em Maratonas de Desenvolvimento de Jogos. Master's Degree Dissertation (Computer Science), UFPE. 2019 ** Best MSc dissertation award from SBGames 2020 **
Maura Paraíso Wanderley. Um Estudo de Caso Sobre Iniciativas de Inovação Aberta no Âmbito do Governo Federal. Professional Master's Dissertation (Computer Science), UFPE. 2018
Main Hackathons and Jams our members have been recently involved in the coordination or organization:
Hack Beyond the Code - Recife (July, 2024)
Hacka GTP+ - Recife (September, 2022)
Hack.grrrl - Recife (May, 2021)
Hack.grrrl - Recife (June, 2019)
Hackathon Neoenergia - Recife (May, 2019)
Monitoring Coastal Areas with Mapathons and Hackathons - Recife (January, 2019)
UFPE Game Jam - Recife (August, 2018)
Monitoring Coastal Areas with Mapathons and Hackathons - Recife (August, 2018)
Hackathon SEMISH/CSBC - Natal (July, 2018)
Global Gov Jam - Recife (May, 2018)
Hackacity BH - Belo Horizonte (December, 2017)
Hackathon SEMISH/CSBC - São Paulo (July, 2017)
Hackacity Cuiabá - Cuiabá (May, 2017)
Global Gov Jam - Recife (May, 2017)
Hacker Cidadão - Recife (2013-2024)