Rate Monotonic Analysis


An Overview
















Paul S. Heidmann


Introduction....................................................................................................................... 1

Rate Monotonic Analysis................................................................................................... 2

History.................................................................................................................. 2

An Overview......................................................................................................... 2

Assumptions of Rate Monotonic Analysis............................................................... 3

Refinements of Rate Monotonic Analysis............................................................................ 4

The First Assumption............................................................................................. 4

The Second Assumption........................................................................................ 5

The Third Assumption............................................................................................ 6

The Fourth Assumption.......................................................................................... 9

The Fifth Assumption............................................................................................. 10

Ada Programming Issues................................................................................................... 11

Paradigm 1............................................................................................................ 11

Pardigm 1 Coding Restrictions................................................................... 12

Paradigm 1 Considerations........................................................................ 13

Paradigm 2............................................................................................................ 14

Paradigm 2 Coding Restrictions................................................................. 14

Paradigm 2 Considerations........................................................................ 15

Bibliography...................................................................................................................... 17




Section 1




Since its conception in 1973, rate monotonic theory has made a significant contribution to real-time applications programming.  Using rate monotonic theory, a given task set may be analyzed to determine which tasks in the task set will meet their deadlines.  Moreover, the rate monotonic algorithms have been shown to be optimal in the sense that if a task set is schedulable by any other algorithm, then it is schedulable by the rate monotonic algorithms [3, p. 51].


The purpose of this paper is not to introduce new results, but rather to present an overview of the theory as it applies to the Ada programming language.  Section 2 presents a brief introduction to the precepts of rate monotonic analysis.  The assumptions that rate monotonic theory makes are presented.


The original assumptions made by rate monotonic theory are quite restrictive; much work has been done to relax these assumptions.  Section 3 presents this work, grouping each result obtained with the assumption (or assumptions) that it relaxes.


Finally, section 4 presents two paradigms for the creation of periodic tasks in Ada.  The advantages and disadvantages of each are discussed.


Section 2


Rate Monotonic Analysis




Real-time system correctness depends not only on logical correctness, but on timing constraints as well.  Systems designers, therefore, must suitably schedule all tasks so that each meets its deadline.  This scheduling was typically accomplished in one of two manners: either a cyclical scheduler or a prioritized scheme.  A cyclical scheduler proved very difficult to maintain during system updates, while assigning tasks priorities based solely on their perceived importance caused deadlines to be needlessly missed [5, p. 2].


Rate monotonic scheduling theory was introduced in 1973 by Lui and Layland [4] to address these problems.  To make the analysis possible, however, five assumptions concerning the task set had to be made.  Unfortunately, these assumptions eliminated most task sets from consideration.  Further development has since produced means for relaxing some of these assumptions [3, 6, 7, 9].


An Overview


Originally, rate monotonic analysis was developed as a means of scheduling periodic tasks alone.  A periodic task is defined as a task with a periodic request rate and a hard deadline immediately preceding the next periodic request.


The fundamental precept of rate monotonic analysis is, then, the assignment of priorities to tasks according to the period with which they occur.  That is, those tasks with a shorter period (and hence a higher request rate) receive a higher priority.  Lui and Layland have shown that this scheduling protocol is optimal in the sense that if a task set is schedulable (that is, it is possible to schedule the task set in such a way that all deadlines will be met), then it is also schedulable by the rate monotonic protocol [4, p. 51].


In some systems, this strict ordering of tasks by period may not be acceptable.  For example, a system may depend on a longer period, and hence lower priority, task meeting its deadline.  In these cases, it is possible to do a period transformation on the critical task, raising its priority by splitting the longer task into several shorter (and hence higher priority) tasks [5, p. 9-10].


Lui and Laylund provided the following theorem to test whether or not a task set is shedulable [4, p. 54].  It should be noted that the bound provided by this theorem is rather pessimistic; a task set that fails to meet the bound in this theorem may still be schedulable.  This theorem is still useful, however, as a quick check for a given task set.


Theorem 1:  A set of n tasks, with fixed priority order, is schedulable if



where  is the execution time required for task i and  is the period of task i.


Lehoczky, Sha, and Ding have exactly characterized the schedulability of any task set with the following theorem, stated by Sha and Goodenough [5, p. 5-6]:


Theorem 2:  A set of n independent periodic tasks scheduled by the rate monotonic algorithm will always meet its deadlines, for all task phasings, if and only if




where  and  are defined as in the previous theorem, and


Assumptions of Rate Monotonic Analysis


In order to make the schedulability analysis possible, five assumptions need to be made concerning the task set.  These assumptions are as follows [4, p. 48]:


1.   The requests for all tasks for which hard deadlines exist are periodic, with constant interval between requests.

2.   Deadlines consist of run-ability constraints only -- i.e. each task must be completed before the next request for it occurs.

3.   The tasks are independent in that requests for a certain task do not depend on the initiation or the completion of requests for other tasks.

4.   Run-time for each task is a constant for that task and does not vary with time.  Run-time here refers to the time which is taken by a processor to execute the task without interruption.

5.   Any aperiodic tasks in the system are special; they are initialization or failure recovery routines; they displace periodic tasks while they themselves are being run, and do not themselves have hard, critical deadlines.


These assumptions are indeed restrictive; however, as mentioned previously, work has been done to relax them.


Section 3


Refinements of Rate Monotonic Analysis


Since 1973, several advancements in the theory of rate monotonic scheduling have been made.  The impositions made by the assumptions of rate monotonic theory on the task set were unacceptable for most systems.  Therefore, efforts to improve the theory have been focused on the relaxation of the assumptions.


This section presents the five assumptions made of the task set by rate monotonic theory, along with an overview of efforts to relax each assumption.


The First Assumption


The requests for all tasks for which hard deadlines exist are periodic, with constant interval between requests.


This assumption eliminates most real-time systems from consideration by eliminating sporadic events (a sporadic event is defined as an aperiodic event with a hard deadline).


Initial attempts to relax this assumption involved creating a periodic task to poll aperiodic events.  This approach, although implementation is trivial, suffers from an unnecessarily long average response time [9, p. 4][6, p. 4].


Further attempts produced the priority exchange protocol [1, p. 4][6, p. 5][9, p. 6-10].  In this scheme, a periodic task is created to process sporadic events.  If no sporadic events have been requested at the onset of the server task, then the server exchanges its high priority with a lower priority periodic task.  That is, the server allows a lower priority periodic task to execute until completion or the arrival of a sporadic request, which ever comes first.  If the periodic task executes to completion and still no sporadic requests have occurred, then the server will allow the next periodic task to execute until completion or the arrival of a sporadic request.  This continues until the priority of the server degenerates to background.  In the event of a sporadic request, the request is processed at the current priority level of the server until completion or the depletion of the server's allotted execution time, which ever comes first.  Replenishment of the server's execution time occurs periodically.


While the priority exchange protocol has the advantage of fast average response times, it suffers from implementation complexity and unnecessary accruement of run-time overhead [6, p. 5][9, p. 16].


An attempt to lessen the impact of the priority exchange protocol on run-time overhead then produced the deferrable server protocol [1, p. 4][5, p. 11][6, p. 5][9, p. 6-10].  As with the priority exchange protocol, a periodic server task is created to process sporadic requests.  If no sporadic requests are pending at server onset, the deferrable server is suspended until a sporadic request arrives.  When this occurs, if the server's allotted time is not depleted, the task executing is preempted.  As with the priority exchange protocol, the server's allotted execution time is replenished periodically.


The deferrable server has low implementation complexity and accrues little run-time overhead.  Unfortunately, the protocol violates the fourth assumption of rate monotonic theory [6, p. 5].


The shortcomings of the priority exchange and deferrable server protocols where overcome in 1989 by Sprunt, Sha, and Lohoczky with the introduction of the sporadic server protocol [9].  The sporadic server protocol [1, p. 4][5, p. 12-13][6, p. 5][8][9, p. 11-18], like the priority exchange and deferrable server protocols, requires the creation of a periodic task to service sporadic requests.  If, at the onset of the server, no sporadic requests are pending, the server preserves its allotted time at high priority (in the same manner as the deferrable server).  Then, as the deferrable server, it preempts any lower priority periodic task upon the arrival of a sporadic request.  The fundamental difference between the deferrable server and the sporadic server is the manner in which each server is replenished.  Where the full amount of the deferrable server's allotted execution time is replenished at the beginning of each period, the amount of execution time consumed by each sporadic request is replenished one full period after it was consumed.


The sporadic server does not accrue as much run-time overhead or require the implementation complexity of the priority exchange protocol.  The replenishment scheme of the sporadic server does not periodically require processing while no sporadic requests are made, as the deferrable server's replenishment scheme does.  Although the sporadic server violates the same assumption as the deferrable server, Sprunt, Sha, and Lohoczky have demonstrated the schedulability of the sporadic server in a rate monotonic run-time system [9, p. 23-24] (for alternative applications of the sporadic server, see [8, p. 3-5]).


With the sporadic server, then, the assumption that requests for all tasks for which hard deadlines exist are periodic is relaxed.  The remaining component of the first assumption, that all tasks have a constant interval between requests, can be addressed either by taking the minimum possible task period (this will result in a lowering of processor utilization in the average case) or by employing a mode change (see The Fourth Assumption) [6, p. 7-9].


The Second Assumption


Deadlines consist of run-ability constraints only -- i.e. each task must be completed before the next request for it occurs.


With this assumption, the run-time executive is free from monitoring the periods of all tasks.  An alternative would be to have the run-time executive buffer all requests and for each task initiate one request every period.


The Third Assumption


The tasks are independent in that requests for a certain task do not depend on the initiation or the completion of requests for other tasks.


This assumption eliminates from consideration those task sets that employ either inter-task communication, semaphores, or input/output.  Clearly, this assumption is unacceptable for most real-time systems.  Understandably, there has been no small amount of effort given to the relaxation of this assumption.  While the advances are substantial, the theory is not yet complete.


With the introduction of semaphores comes the problem of unbounded priority inversion.  Priority inversion is defined as the blocking of a higher priority task by a lower priority task.  Unbounded priority inversion can occur when a high priority task and a low priority task share a common semaphore.  For illustration, consider tasks H, M, and L; H being the highest priority task, M a medium priority task, and L the lowest priority task.  Assume that H and L share a common resource guarded by a semaphore.  Suppose further that L enters its critical section, locking the semaphore.  Assume now that H attempts to enter its critical section and is blocked.  The arrival of task M would now preempt L, forcing task H to wait not only for the completion of task L's critical section, but also for task M (and any other intermediate priority tasks).  In this manner, a high priority task may be blocked for an indefinitely long period of time.


To address this problem, the priority inheritance protocol was developed [1, p. 5][3, p. 13-14][5, p. 14][7, p. 4-6][9, p. 26].  Under the priority inheritance protocol, if a lower priority task blocks a higher priority task, the lower priority task inherits the priority of the higher priority task for the duration of its critical section.[1]  Using this scheme, Sha, Ragunathan, and Lehoczky have demonstrated that if there are m semaphores that can be used to block a job J, then J can be suspended for at most the duration of m critical sections [7, p. 6] (see [7, p. 5-6] for a complete listing of properties of the priority inheritance protocol).


Unfortunately, priority inversion is not the only problem that semaphores introduce.  Deadlocking needs to be addressed as well.  Priority inheritance alone will not prevent deadlocks; the ceiling priority protocol was developed to eliminate deadlocks [1, p. 6][3, p. 15-16][5, p. 14-16][6, p. 6][7, p. 6-14].  Under this protocol, every semaphore is given a ceiling priority defined to be the priority of the highest priority task that can lock the semaphore.  The following rules, then, must be followed [7, p. 9-10]:


1.   Suppose that J has the highest priority among the jobs ready to run and is assigned the processor, and let S* be the semaphore with the highest priority ceiling of all semaphores currently locked by jobs other than job J.  Before job J enters its critical section, it must first obtain the lock on semaphore S guarding the shared data structure.  Job J will be blocked, and the lock on S denied, if the priority of job J is not higher than the priority ceiling of semaphore S*.  In this case, job J is said to be blocked by the job which holds the lock on S*.  Otherwise, job J will obtain the lock on semaphore S and enter its critical section.  When a job J exits its critical section, the binary semaphore associated with the critical section will be unlocked and the jobs, if any, that are unblocked by J become ready to run.  The highest priority job that is ready to run will be assigned the processor.

2.   A job J uses its assigned priority, unless it is in its critical section and blocks higher priority jobs.  If job J blocks higher priority jobs, J inherits PH, the highest priority of the jobs blocked by J.  When J exits its (outermost) critical section, it resumes its original priority.  Priority inheritance is transitive.  Finally, the operations of priority inheritance and resumption of original priority must be indivisible.

3.   A job J, when it does not attempt to enter a critical section, can preempt another job JL if its priority is higher than the priority, inherited or assigned, at which job JL is executing.


When the priority inheritance and ceiling priority protocols are followed, the theorems in Section 1 may be modified to allow for the blocking time introduced by task synchronization [5, p. 15]:


Theorem 3:  A set of n periodic tasks using the priority ceiling protocol can be scheduled by the rate monotonic algorithm, for all task phasings, if the following condition is satisfied:



where  and  are the execution time and period of task i (as in the theorems in Section 1) and  is the longest duration of blocking time that task i can experience.


As with the corresponding theorem in Section 1, the bound is rather pessimistic.  It is possible that a task set that fails the test in the above theorem is schedulable.  A more realistic bound is given in the next theorem [5, p. 15-16]:


Theorem 4:  A set of n periodic tasks using the priority ceiling protocol can be scheduled by the rate monotonic algorithm for all task phasings if the following condition is satisfied:



where , , and  are defined as in theorem 3, and



Two differences between this theorem and its analog in section 1 merit mention.  First, the theorem in section 1 is an exact characterization, this theorem is not.  Secondly, the sum in the theorem in section 1 is over , the sum in this theorem is over .


Finally, this assumption precludes the use of input and output.  Both inputting and outputting to/from an external device requires the suspension of the task making the request.  The time spent in such a suspension will be termed idle time.  There are subtle differences between idle time and blocking time (in the sense of the ceiling priority protocol).  Blocking time is dependent on the length of a limited number of critical sections and is governed by that property of the ceiling priority protocol that strictly bounds the number of critical sections in lower priority tasks for which each higher priority task must wait.  Idle time depends on the amount of time needed to process an input or output request.  The priority ceiling protocol governs which task is given the processor while a higher priority task is blocked.  The protocol governing which task is given the processor during a higher priority task's idle time is different.  For these reasons, idle time may not be considered blocking time in the above two theorems.


Klien and Ralya, in their paper An Analysis of Input/Output Paradigms for Real-Time Systems [3], begin to deal with this issue.  The introduction of idle time into tasks scheduled with the rate monotonic algorithm may create any of the following difficulties [3, p. 19-27]:


1.   Idle time will have a direct impact on the requesting task's schedulability.  In this respect, idle time may be considered as blocking time (however, for the requesting task only).

2.   Idle time has an effect on the blocking time components of higher priority processes.  This can occur when the completion of an input or output request made by a lower priority task causes an interrupt during the execution of a higher priority task.

3.   Idle time may also affect the blocking properties of the process that experiences inactivity.  This effect is the result of applying the priority ceiling protocol to input and output devices.  A task will become suspended if it requests an input or output transaction while any other input or output routine with a priority ceiling higher than the priority of the task in question is active.

4.   Idle time can also affect lower priority processes.  Deferring the execution of a higher priority process can cause a lower priority process to miss a deadline [3, p. 15].


To deal with these issues, Klien and Ralya introduce a constant into the inequality given in theorem 1.  The computation of this constant is straightforward in the synchronous case [3, p. 23]; in the asynchronous case, however, the computation is more involved and is derived from a pessimistic paradigm [3, p. 33].


The Fourth Assumption


Run-time for each task is a constant for that task and does not vary with time.  Run-time here refers to the time which is taken by a processor to execute the task without interruption.


Tasks which have a varying run-time can be analyzed by considering their worst case run-time and the average case run-time.  The assumption that tasks cannot be interrupted can be relaxed with the techniques used in relaxing the first and third assumptions.


Often, in real-time systems, a mode change is required.  This could involve the removal or addition of tasks to the task set or a dramatic change in the amount of time required to process a currently existing task.  Such operations, clearly, violate this assumption.  The relaxation of this assumption to allow mode changes can be realized (assuming the ceiling priority protocol is in effect) if the following protocol is observed [6, p. 7-9]:


1.   For each unlocked semaphore S whose priority ceiling needs to be raised, S's ceiling is raised immediately and indivisibly.

2.   For each locked semaphore S whose priority ceiling needs to be raised, S's priority ceiling is raised immediately and indivisibly after S is unlocked.

3.   For each semaphore S whose priority ceiling needs to be lowered, S's priority ceiling is lowered when all the tasks which may lock S, and which have priorities greater than the new priority ceiling of S, are deleted.

4.   If task 's priority is higher than the priority ceilings of locked semaphores , which it may lock, the priority ceilings of  must first be raised before adding task .

5.   A task , which needs to be deleted, can be deleted immediately upon the initiation of a mode change, and its processor time reclaimed, if it has not begun to execute.  If  has initiated, then it may be deleted only after completion.

6.   A task may be added into the system only if sufficient processor capacity exists.


This protocol preserves the ceiling priority protocol's properties of freedom from deadlock and the guarantee that a higher priority task may be blocked by a lower priority task at most once.  If both task sets are schedulable, then all tasks will meet their deadlines across the mode switch [6, p. 9].


The Fifth Assumption


Any aperiodic tasks in the system are special; they are initialization or failure recovery routines; they displace periodic tasks while they themselves are being run, and do not themselves have hard, critical deadlines.


This assumption may be relaxed by employing the techniques used in relaxing the first and third assumptions.


Section 4


Ada Programming Issues


The assumptions of rate monotonic theory restrict the form a periodic task may take.  This section presents two periodic task[2] paradigms.  For each paradigm, applicable coding restrictions and limitations are discussed.


The Ada Language Reference Manual specifies only that a delay statement will cause a delay at least as long as the given expression [10, 9.6.1].  Moreover, there is no requirement that a scheduling decision be made upon completion of the delay.  The paradigms presented in this section require both that the delay be for exactly the amount of time specified and that at the completion of any given delay, a scheduling decision be made.


It is not possible, without the capability of dynamically changing priorities,  to implement a sporadic server under either of the following two paradigms.  This can be seen by considering the case of an aperiodic request occurring when the sporadic server's execution time is not completely exhausted, and there is not enough time left to process the event.  If the aperiodic handler is given a lower priority than the periodic task set, then it must remain in rendezvous with the sporadic server to attain the high priority needed for it to begin its execution.  In this case, however, the sporadic server task is not capable of suspending the aperiodic handler when its time is exhausted.  If the aperiodic handler is given a higher priority than the periodic task set, then it will continue to preempt periodic tasks after the sporadic server's time is exhausted.  An approximation of the sporadic server is given in [8].  This implementation is consistent with both paradigms.


Paradigm 1


The approach of the first paradigm is to create an additional  task, termed a dispatcher, to regulate the periodic tasks.  This is acheived with an entry call to each periodic task, at the beginning of each of its periods.  The dispatcher, to function properly, must have the highest priority.  Following is an example of a dispatcher:


task body MY_DISPATCHER is




                        delay (DELAY_1);  -- DELAY_1 may be an expression


                        delay (DELAY_2);  -- DELAY_2 may be an expression


            end loop;



Every periodic task, under this paradigm, has a single accept statement inside a loop.  Such a task would have the following form:


task body MY_PERIODIC_TASK is


            entry DO_IT;




                        accept DO_IT;


            end loop;




Pardigm 1 Coding Restrictions


Little variation from the above form will be permissible for periodic tasks.  Specifically, the following constructions, when used in periodic tasks, are shown to be either completely inconsistent with the assumptions of rate monotonic theory or allowable only with restrictions:


     Multiple accept statements.

    Abort statements.

    Delay statements.

     Exception handlers.

     Input and output.

    Pragma shared statements.



Multiple accept statements are completely inconsistent with rate monotonic theory.  The language does not define the order in which the accept statements are handled.  It is possible that a task might wait on one entry while requests for the other entry queue up.  This violates the second assumption.


Since an abort statement causes the deletion of a task from the task set, its use must be governed by the mode change protocol detailed in section 2.


Ada allows a delay statement to occur in three distinct contexts: within a selective wait, within a timed entry call, and inline with other code.  A selective wait with a delay alternative is not allowable.  Should the delay condition become open, the task will begin execution beyond the control of the rate monotonic run-time.  A timed entry call is allowable so long as the principles of the ceiling priority protocol are not violated (this assumes that rendezvous are governed according to the ceiling priority protocol -- see the paragraph in this section dealing with rendezvous).  A delay statement inline with other statements is not allowable, since it would introduce blocking not governed by the ceiling priority protocol.


The handling of exceptions may not involve the termination of a task, unless the mode change protocol is followed.  Any additional overhead caused by the handling of exceptions must be accounted for in the analysis.


Input and output must be governed by the protocol discussed in [3].


Pragma shared introduces blocking time into a task's execution.  Hence, this construction is permissible only if this blocking time is governed by the ceiling priority protocol.


Ada rendezvous (except the accept statement used by the dispatcher to control the periodic task), will necessarily introduce blocking time into one or both of the tasks in question.  All blocking must be governed by the ceiling priority protocol.  While it is possible that some implementations will have provisions for the use of the rendezvous for inter-task communication, it is more likely that most implementations will restrict inter-task communication to semaphores (that is, rendezvous will be allowed only with a semaphore task).


Paradigm 1 Considerations


Questions concerning the methods of implementing input/output, inter-task communication, the handling of aperiodic events, and resource contention naturally arise.  This section addresses these concerns, followed by a critique of this model.


Task interaction with external devices presents complications in the theory as well as in the computations.  Close adherence to the protocol presented in [3] is required.  If this paradigm is being used, one additional restriction must be added to input/output requests: no request may be made while in rendezvous with the dispatcher task.  Such a rendezvous would cause suspension of the dispatcher task for the duration of the input/output request.


Inter-task communication and resource contention both require the use of a semaphore.  Since this will introduce blocking time, the ceiling priority protocol must be followed.  As the priority inheritance and ceiling priority protocols are typically issues of the run-time executive, discussion will not be presented here.


The handling of aperiodic requests may be accomplished either by employing the modified sporadic server discussed in [8] or by polling.  While polling requires less implementation effort, its response time is often undesirably slow.  The modified sporadic server has a faster response time (albeit not as fast as a true sporadic server) and a more complex implementation.


This paradigm has the advantages of a simple means of task control and tolerance of varying execution times of periodic tasks.  Both advantages are due to the existence of the high priority dispatcher task, which may preempt lower priority tasks which for some reason have not yet completed.  This guarentees that higher priority tasks will start their periods at the proper time (the next paradigm does not share this advantage).


Paradigm 2


In this model, periodic tasks are governed by the placing of a delay statement inline within each task body.  For each task, the length of the delay is set equal to the execution time of the task in question subtracted from the task's period.  Unlike the first paradigm, under this model there is no centralized control of tasks.  Following is the form of a periodic task under this model:


task body MY_PERIODIC_TASK is




                        delay (DELAY_1);  -- DELAY_1 may be an expression.

            end loop;



Paradigm 2 Coding Restrictions


As with paradigm 1, certain Ada tasking constructions, if used in conjunction with this model, violate the principles of rate monotonic scheduling.  Specifically, the following constructions are shown to be either completely inconsistent with rate monotonic theory, or applicable in only a restricted sense:


     Multiple accept statements.


     Abort statements.

     Delay statements.

     Exception handling.


     Pragma shared statements.


Multiple accept statements violate the principles of rate monotonic theory; see paradigm 1 coding restrictions.


The Ada rendezvous necessarily introduces blocking time into one or both of the tasks in question.  All blocking time, to remain consistent with rate monotonic principles, must be governed by the ceiling priority protocol.  As most current Ada implementations do not govern rendezvous in a manner consistent with rate monotonic theory, inter-task communication will be restricted to semaphores.


The abort statement, as previously discussed, causes the termination of the task in question.  Such a mode change must be governed by the protocol in [6, p. 7-9].


Delay statements (other than those used to regulate periodic tasks) introduce blocking time that is not governed by the priority ceiling protocol.  Their use is therefore prohibited.


The handling of exceptions may not cause a task to terminate unless the mode change protocol is followed.  Any additional execution time that exception handling adds to the task must be accounted for in the analysis.


The use of input or output devices must be governed by the protocol presented in [3].


The use of shared variables (pragma shared) introduces blocking time into the task in question.  This blocking time must be governed by the ceiling priority protocol.


Paradigm 2 Considerations


As with the previous paradigm, inter-task communication will most probably be accomplished with semaphores.  The blocking time introduced must be governed by the priority ceiling protocol.  All input and output must be governed be the protocol in [3].


This paradigm suffers from an intolerance of periodic tasks with varying execution times.  An applications programmer who chooses this model is faced with the choice of using either fixed or dynamic delay times.


Fixed delay times will lead to period shifting as periodic tasks vary their execution times.  Suppose, for example, that an applications programmer creates a periodic task with period 10ms and normal execution time 2ms, with execution time 3ms if, say, an external event arrives.  He then uses a fixed delay statement at the end of this task with value 8ms.  Now suppose further that during the execution of this task, the external event arrives, causing an extra 1ms of execution time.  This will cause a period shift of 1ms; that is, the next period will begin 1ms late.


The alternative is to dynamically change the delay length, computing it from the system clock.[3]  This approach, however, accrues needless run-time overhead.


This paradigm, while simpler to implement than the previous paradigm, is too simplistic for most real-time applications.






[1]        A.  Burns

Scheduling Hard Real-Time Systems:  A Review

Technical Report CS13-88

Department of Computing, University of Bradford



[2]        J. B. Goodenough, Lui Sha

The Priority Ceiling Protocol:  A Method for Minimizing the Blocking of High-Priority Ada Tasks


Carnegie-Mellon University



[3]        Mark H. Klien, Thomas Ralya

An Analysis of Input/Output Paradigms for Real-Time Systems


Carnegie-Mellon University



[4]        C. L. Liu, James W. Layland

Scheduling Algorithms for Multiprogramming in a Hard-Real-Time Envirnment

Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery, Vol. 20, No. 1, January 1973


[5]        Lui Sha, John B. Goodenough

Real-Time Scheduling Theory and Ada


Carnegie-Mellon University



[6]        Lui Sha, Mark H. Klein, John B. Goodenough

Rate Monotonic Analysis for Real-Time Analysis


Carnegie-Mellon University



[7]        Lui Sha, Ragunathan Rajkumar, John P. Lehoczky

Priority Enheritance Protocols


Carnegie-Mellon University



[8]        Brinkley Sprunt, Lui Sha

Implementing Sporadic Servers in Ada


Carnegie-Mellon University



[9]        Brinkley Sprunt, Lui Sha, John Lehoczky

Scheduling Sporadic and Aperiodic Events in a Hard Real-Time System


Carnegie-Mellon University



[10]      United States Department of Defense

Reference Manual for the Ada Programming Language




[1]Priority inheritance must be fully transitive.  This often adds significantly to the run-time overhead.

[2]A periodic task may not be placed in a subprogram.  A subprogram containing a periodic task would not be allowed to complete until the periodic task terminated.

[3]This operation must be indivisable.