From: Andre Santos [] Sent: quarta-feira, 12 de setembro de 2007 15:43 To: Sergio Vanderlei Cavalcante Subject: [Fwd: Real-Time Linux: More Than You Ever Wanted to Know] Dr.Dobb's Report. -------- Original Message -------- Editor's Note Real-Time Linux: More Than You Ever Wanted to Know If you're interested in Linux -- and particularly Real-Time Linux -- then keep your eye on the Open Source < bin4/DM/y/hBCtE0Hhnd20TKJ0FVVG0EB> department where we continue to post papers from the the Eighth Real-Time Linux Workshop held at the at the School for Information Science and Engineering, Lanzhou University, in Lanzhou, China. Many of the papers are fascinating, and all of them interesting. Yesterday's post, for instance, Embedded RTLinux: A New Stand-Alone RTLinux Approach by Miguel Masmano, Apolinar Gonzalez, Ismael Ripoll, and Alfons Crespo. (If those names don't sound Chinese, remember that the Workshop was a "worldwide" conference, with papers from Real-time Linux experts around the world.) Other papers range in topics from A Real-Time P2P Interactive Game Playing Application to A Linux-based System to Monitor Train Speed and Doors for a Light-Rail System . And we will continue to post installments over the coming weeks. -- Jonathan Erickson