Career Summary

Attending graduation in Information Systems, in UFPE, and bachelor of Civil Engineering from University of Pernambuco, having partial completion of the graduate program at Technische Universität Dresden — TU Dresden, as a scholarship holder of CAPES/DAAD Germany. Also was a scholarship student of CNPq, developing Scientific Initiation activities under orientations of Professor Dr. Stela Fucale. Was part of AMBITEC (Engineering Applied to Environment Research Group) from University of Pernambuco, developing researches about concrete waste and technology of construction innovations. Currently developing professional activities, using tool such as MySQL and programing languages such as Python, Asp Classic and PHP.

Work Experience

Intern - User support

Mitte tecnologia
2019 - Present

Intern as user support of systems for events. The activities consist in problem identification, corrections, help and customization of the final delivered product.


  • Support: consultation and update of data base, MySQL Online and Local;
  • Programming - Customization - Change and development on the Sig-events system code. (Programming Languages: Javascript, PHP and asp.classic);
  • Database backup and support to infrastructure problems; and
  • HTML and CSS.

Technologies used:

  • Mysql
  • ASP Classic
  • PHP
  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • CSS

Teaching internship

Universidade de Pernambuco - UPE

Teacher intern of the Civil Engineering course of University of Pernambuco, teaching the Soil Mechanics Lab 1 course.


  • Planning, preparation and application of the contents used in the course: theoric classes, practical classes, evaluation etc.
  • Monitor the planned evaluation process and applied along the course, comprehending the logic, system, criterion and norms undertaken.

Materials/Structure used:

  • Soil Mechanics Lab
  • Scientific Articles
  • Textbooks.

Intern - Reseacher

POLICONSULT - Associação Politécnica de Consultoria

Intern under the supervision of Professor Dr. Stela Fucale in the Soil Mechanic Lab, Construction Materials and Civil Construction Advanced Lab, focusing on technological development.

Materials/Structure used:

  • Soil Mechanics Lab
  • Construction Materials Lab
  • Scientific Articles

PROJECTS AND scientific publications

  • ESTOLANO, VICTOR ; FUCALE, STELA ; VIEIRA FILHO, JOSÉ ORLANDO ; GABRIEL, DIEGO ; ALENCAR, YURI . Assessment of static and dynamic modulus of elasticity in concrete made with recycled aggregate from concrete precast rejects. Materia-Rio de Janeiro, v. 23, p. 1-13, 2018.
  • LIMA, V. M. E. ; FUCALE, S. ; LOPES, Y. R. A. ; CAVALCANTI, D. . Caracterização de agregados reciclados oriundos de resíduos de uma indústria de pré-fabricados de concreto localizada na Região Metropolitana do Recife. In: 58º Congresso Brasileiro do Concreto, 2016, Belo Horizonte. 58º Congresso Brasileiro do Concreto, 2016. v. 58.
  • NASCIMENTO, I. R. Q. S. ; ALENCAR, Y. ; FUCALE, S. ; SILVA, A. J. C. E. ; FERREIRA, S. R. M. . Avaliação do comportamento reológico de argamassa de revestimento por meio do ensaio de cisalhamento direto. In: XIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Tecnologia das Argamassas, 2019, Goiânia - GO. XIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Tecnologia das Argamassas, 2019.
  • LOPES, Y. R. A.; FUCALE, S. . Comportamento físico e mecânico de concretos produzidos com agregados reciclados de resíduos cinza. In: Mostra de Extensão, Inovação e Pesquisa da Poli-UPE, 2016, Recife. Anais da Mostra de Extensão, Inovação e Pesquisa, 2016, 2016. v. 3.

Skills & Tools


  • JavaScript


  • Python/Django
  • ASP Classic
  • PHP
  • MYSql


  • Análise de dados
  • MongoDB
  • Git
  • WordPress


  • BSc In Information Systems
    Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
    2019 - Present
  • Partial completion of a graduate program at another university
    Technische Universität Dresden — TU Dresden
    2013 - 2014
  • BSc In Civil Engineering
    Universidade de Pernambuco
    2012 - 2017


  • Portuguese (Native)
  • German (Intermediate)
  • English (Intermediate)


  • Travelling
  • Baking
  • Computers