PathName1 is a variable |
instantiation_error |
PathName1 is neither a variable nor an atom |
type_error(atom, PathName1) |
PathName1 is an atom but not a valid pathname |
domain_error(os_path, PathName1) |
PathName2 is a variable |
instantiation_error |
PathName2 is neither a variable nor an atom |
type_error(atom, PathName2) |
PathName2 is an atom but not a valid pathname |
domain_error(os_path, PathName2) |
an operating system error occurs and value of the
os_error Prolog flag is error
(section 7.22.1) |
system_error(atom explaining the error) |
PathName is a variable |
instantiation_error |
PathName is neither a variable nor an atom |
type_error(atom, PathName) |
PathName is an atom but not a valid pathname |
domain_error(os_path, PathName) |
Permission is a partial list or a list with an element
which is a variable |
instantiation_error |
Permission is neither an atom nor partial list or a list |
type_error(list, Permission) |
an element E of the Permission list is neither a
variable nor an atom |
type_error(atom, E) |
an element E of the Permission is an atom but not
a valid permission |
domain_error(os_file_permission, Permission) |
an operating system error occurs and the value of the
os_error Prolog flag is error
(section 7.22.1) |
system_error(atom explaining the error) |
PathName is a variable |
instantiation_error |
PathName is neither a variable nor an atom |
type_error(atom, PathName) |
PathName is an atom but not a valid pathname |
domain_error(os_path, PathName) |
Property is neither a variable nor a file property term |
domain_error(os_file_property, Property) |
Property = absolute_file_name(E),
real_file_name(E), type(E) or permission(E) and
E is neither a variable nor an atom |
type_error(atom, E) |
Property = last_modification(DateTime) and
DateTime is neither a variable nor a compound term |
type_error(compound, DateTime) |
Property = last_modification(DateTime) and
DateTime is a compound term but not a structure dt/6 |
domain_error(date_time, DateTime) |
Property = size(E) or
last_modification(DateTime) and DateTime is a structure
dt/6 but an element E is neither a variable nor an
integer |
type_error(integer, E) |
an operating system error occurs and the value of the
os_error Prolog flag is error
(section 7.22.1) |
system_error(atom explaining the error) |
Template is a variable |
instantiation_error |
Template is neither a variable nor an atom |
type_error(atom, Template) |
Template is an atom but not a valid pathname |
domain_error(os_path, Template) |
PathName is neither a variable nor an atom |
type_error(atom, PathName) |
an operating system error occurs and the value of the
os_error Prolog flag is error
(section 7.22.1) |
system_error(atom explaining the error) |
Directory is a variable |
instantiation_error |
Directory is neither a variable nor an atom |
type_error(atom, Directory) |
Directory is an atom but not a valid pathname |
domain_error(os_path, Directory) |
Prefix is a variable |
instantiation_error |
Prefix is neither a variable nor an atom |
type_error(atom, Prefix) |
PathName is neither a variable nor an atom |
type_error(atom, PathName) |
an operating system error occurs and the value of the
os_error Prolog flag is error
(section 7.22.1) |
system_error(atom explaining the error) |
Command is a variable |
instantiation_error |
Command is neither a variable nor an atom |
type_error(atom, Command) |
Arguments is a partial list or a list with an element
which is a variable |
instantiation_error |
Arguments is neither a partial list nor a list |
type_error(list, Arguments) |
an element E of the Arguments list is neither a
variable nor an atom |
type_error(atom, E) |
Status is neither a variable nor an integer |
type_error(integer, Status) |
an operating system error occurs and the value of the
os_error Prolog flag is error
(section 7.22.1) |
system_error(atom explaining the error) |
Command is a variable |
instantiation_error |
Command is neither a variable nor an atom |
type_error(atom, Command) |
Mode is a variable |
instantiation_error |
Mode is neither a variable nor an atom |
type_error(atom, Mode) |
Mode is an atom but neither read nor
write. |
domain_error(io_mode, Mode) |
Stream is not a variable |
type_error(variable, Stream) |
an operating system error occurs and the value of the
os_error Prolog flag is error
(section 7.22.1) |
system_error(atom explaining the error) |
Command is a variable |
instantiation_error |
Command is neither a variable nor an atom |
type_error(atom, Command) |
StreamIn is not a variable |
type_error(variable, StreamIn) |
StreamOut is not a variable |
type_error(variable, StreamOut) |
StreamErr is not a variable |
type_error(variable, StreamErr) |
Pid is not a variable |
type_error(variable, Pid) |
an operating system error occurs and the value of the
os_error Prolog flag is error
(section 7.22.1) |
system_error(atom explaining the error) |
Reads (or Writes) is a partial list or a list
with an element E which is a variable |
instantiation_error |
Reads is neither a partial list nor a list |
type_error(list, Reads) |
Writes is neither a partial list nor a list |
type_error(list, Writes) |
ReadyReads is neither a partial list nor a list |
type_error(list, ReadyReads) |
ReadyWrites is neither a partial list nor a list |
type_error(list, ReadyWrites) |
an element E of the Reads (or Writes)
list is neither a stream-term or alias nor an integer |
domain_error(stream_or_alias, E) |
an element E of the Reads (or Writes)
list is not a selectable item |
domain_error(selectable_item, E) |
an element E of the Reads (or Writes)
list is an integer < 0 |
domain_error(not_less_than_zero, E) |
an element E of the Reads (or Writes)
list is a stream-tern or alias not associated with an open stream |
existence_error(stream, E) |
an element E of the Reads list is associated with
an output stream |
permission_error(input, stream, E) |
an element E of the Writes list is associated with
an input stream |
permission_error(output, stream, E) |
TimeOut is a variable |
instantiation_error |
TimeOut is neither a variable nor a number |
type_error(number, TimeOut) |
an operating system error occurs and the value of the
os_error Prolog flag is error
(section 7.22.1) |
system_error(atom explaining the error) |