Contributions should be 4-6 pages in LNCS format, describing current and ongoing research related the i* framework. The contribution shall adhere to the following structure:
All submissions should be uploaded to easychair.
All submissions will be peer-reviewed and accepted works will be published in the CEUR Workshop Proceedings Series.
The i* Workshop will include a slot for tool demos. The demos will consist of a two-minute presentation of two slides (automatic transition from one slide to the next will be enforced) and then the floor will be opened for demos. In order to submit a tool, fill out a form providing information about your tool by creating a wiki page on the i* wiki (*+Tools). If a page on the wiki already exists for your tool, please update it as appropriate. Contact if you require a new user name and password for the wiki. Prepare a three page description of the tool, using LNCS format. Descriptions should include a screen shot of the tool and should cover the following points:
All descriptions should be uploaded to easychair:
The tool submissions will be peer-reviewed and published in the CEUR Workshop Proceedings Series, as part of the iStar workshop proceedings.
For further questions contact (Subject: iStar'13)
iStar'13 - Sixth International i* Workshop
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from the original
Last update: June 11th, 2013.