The AWT Tutorial

Copyright 1996 by Nelson Yu

Table of Contents

About this Tutorial

This tutorial has been re-written to accommodate applets as well as applications. The previous tutorial focused on the latter and ignored the former due to the author's original disgust at such 'toys', but have now seen the light and decided applets can be extremely useful for educational purposes(among other things).

Please read the "Introduction to the AWT" before reading this tutorial. This tutorial assumes some knowledge of the AWT already, not to mention Java!(This version of the Tutorial assumes even less). Also it is a good idea to get your hands on the JDK(Java Developers Kits) and printed documentation of the AWT classes.

Picking up a book on Java is also a good idea, "Teach yourself Java in 21 days" in nice, but not for people w/ 3+ months of experience in Java or those looking for a a CS book using Java. "Hooked on Java" is for applet users, not necessarily Java programmers.

Go here to start learning the "how-tos" of Java

These HTML documents are Java Enhanced

Here are the tar/gzipped files I promised(new since Feb 21/96)

The above will have the exact same files on Jan 8/96 and every two weeks thereafter. The links to the tar/gzipped and zip files here are a little more recent, but usually contain small changes or fixes and nothing really major.

AppletGen v0.9(beta). Generates a skeleton applet for you. Not yet newbie friendly. A 32-bit version(and a DLL so you can have it too!)will be released once I get my grubby hands on Delphi 2.0, ah well, what a poor student spends his money on!

Copyrights and Trademarks

This document is copyrighted 1996 by Nelson Yu. Free redistribution will be allowed as long as the document is not modified and the copyright message here remains. Portions of this document are straight from Sun Microsystems, thus are copyrighted by them.

Portions are from Sun Microsystem's tutorials on Java

HotJava(tm), Java(tm) and Duke are the sole Trademarks of Sun Microsystems

With a little help from my friends

I did not write this tutorial alone. I had help from the following people, who either supplied/debugged code or helped in correcting the bad grammar and spelling.

Revision History


This is it. There are NOW books out that can teach you better than I can. Within a month there will be a dozen or so. Pick one!

What I am now working on? Well I liked to use Tk w/ Java, then design a total new Application Framework for Java that does not have the inherit limations of the AWT. Why? Many features needed for stand-alone applications simply aren't available or are too time consuming to implement(I need instant gratification!!!). Portability is not a CS student's first concern. What does it matter to me whether a Cellular Automata simulation does not run under Solaris, but fine under IRIX? It is however crucial to businesses and on the same line, so is internationalizability. Wonder why Microsoft is considered such as large exporter of goods and services.

You are visitor number since Sept 23, 1995.

Nelson Yu
Last modified: Feb 21 1996