JEOPS - The Java Embedded Object Production System
Version: 2.1 beta 1 - September 15, 2000
Author: Carlos Figueira Filho


JEOPS Compiler
jeops.compiler The Compiler that translates rules files into java files.
jeops.compiler.parser Package that contains auxiliar classes used by the compiler to perform its duties.

JEOPS Runtime Environment
jeops The Runtime Environment for JEOPS.
jeops.conflict The predefined conflict resolution policies that can be used in knowledge bases generated by JEOPS.
jeops.rete The classes that implement the nodes of the Rete network implemented in JEOPS.

JEOPS Samples
jeops.examples.factorial A solution to the factorial problem using JEOPS.
jeops.examples.fibonacci A solution to the Fibonacci problem using JEOPS.
jeops.examples.hanoi A solution to the Towers of Hanoi problem using JEOPS.
jeops.examples.monkeys A solution to the Monkey and Bananas problem using JEOPS.
jeops.examples.queens A solution to the 8-Queens problem using JEOPS.


JEOPS - The Java Embedded Object Production System
Version: 2.1 beta 1 - September 15, 2000
Author: Carlos Figueira Filho


JEOPS is a proposal for an extension of the Java Programming Language with a mechanism for embedding first-order, forward-chaining production rules into Java applications. It was created to provide the declarative expressiveness of production rules to a language whose popularity is growing steadily since its creation, but still lacks such a mechanism, that in our opinion is a necessary condition to the development of large or complex intelligent systems.

JEOPS works as a precompiler, translating a set of rules stored in a text file into Java classes, that implement a knowledge base governed by those rules. For more information, see the User's Manual.