Class AbstractConflictSet

Direct Known Subclasses:
DefaultConflictSet, LRUConflictSet, MRUConflictSet, OneShotConflictSet, PriorityConflictSet

public abstract class AbstractConflictSet
extends java.lang.Object
implements ConflictSet

This class provides a skeletal implementation of the ConflictSet interface to minimize the effort required to implement this interface. It helps mainly in dealing with the registered listeners for conflict set events. Its subclasses must invoke the methods elementAdded and elementRemoved wheneved applicable to make full use of the notification mechanism this skeleton provides.

0.01 08 Jun 2000
Carlos Figueira Filho (

Constructor Summary
          Class constructor.
Method Summary
 void addInternalConflictSetListener(InternalConflictSetListener l)
          Adds the specified listener to receive events from this conflict set.
static java.util.Vector getModifiedObjects_1D(java.util.Vector firableRules, java.lang.Object obj)
          Auxiliar method, used to return all objects that were modified in response to a modification in a given object.
static java.util.Vector getModifiedObjects_2D(java.util.Vector firableRules, java.lang.Object obj)
          Auxiliar method, used to return all objects that were modified in response to a modification in a given object.
 void removeInternalConflictSetListener(InternalConflictSetListener l)
          Removes the specified listener so that it no longer receives events from this conflict set.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public AbstractConflictSet()
Class constructor.
Method Detail


public void addInternalConflictSetListener(InternalConflictSetListener l)
Adds the specified listener to receive events from this conflict set.
Specified by:
addInternalConflictSetListener in interface ConflictSet
l - the conflict set listener


public void removeInternalConflictSetListener(InternalConflictSetListener l)
Removes the specified listener so that it no longer receives events from this conflict set.
Specified by:
removeInternalConflictSetListener in interface ConflictSet
l - the conflict set listener


public static java.util.Vector getModifiedObjects_1D(java.util.Vector firableRules,
                                                     java.lang.Object obj)
Auxiliar method, used to return all objects that were modified in response to a modification in a given object. This method should be used when the firable rules are stored in a linear (unidimensional) Vector.
firableRules - the Vector that stores the firable rules.
obj - the given object.
a vector with all objects that must be declared as modified due to the modification in this one.


public static java.util.Vector getModifiedObjects_2D(java.util.Vector firableRules,
                                                     java.lang.Object obj)
Auxiliar method, used to return all objects that were modified in response to a modification in a given object. This method should be used when the firable rules are stored in a matricial (bidimensional) Vector.
firableRules - the Vector that stores the firable rules.
obj - the given object.
a vector with all objects that must be declared as modified due to the modification in this one.