Mobirise Site Creator

About Me

I am PhD in Artificial Intelligence from the University of Kent - UK and Associate Professor at the Center for Informatics, Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil. I have had experiences in my professional life on both academia and industry, with development of solutions in data science, machine learning, pattern recognition and image processing. Below, some of my activities:

- Supervisor of PhD and MSc students
- Founder and Entrepreneur of Neurotech, a company focused on employing artificial intelligence to consumer and transaction analysis, credit risk assessment and fraud detection
- Innovation Consultant of the Brazilian Research Council (CNPq)
- INOVAR Entrepreneur from the Financer of Studies and Projects (FINEP)
- Associate of the Recife Center for Advanced Studies and Systems (CESAR)
- Former consultant of Neuristics Corporation, a company from Baltimore (USA), especialized in solutions for the financial market