Class LRUConflictSet


public class LRUConflictSet
extends AbstractConflictSet

A conflict set whose conflict resolution policy is one that the least recently fired rules have priority over the remaining ones.

0.01 14 Apr 2000
Carlos Figueira Filho (

Field Summary
private  java.util.Vector fireableRules
          The vector where the fireable rules are stored.
private  java.util.Vector history
          The history of rule firings.
private  int size
          The number of elements in this conflict set.
Fields inherited from class jeops.conflict.AbstractConflictSet
debug, listeners
Constructor Summary
          Class constructor.
Method Summary
private  void ensureFireableRulesCapacity(int size)
          Auxiliar method that ensures that the fireable rules vector has as many elements as the given integer.
 void flush()
          Removes all rules from this conflict set, as well as cleaning any history that might have been stored.
 void insertElement(ConflictSetElement element)
          Inserts a rule instantiation.
 boolean isEmpty()
          Checks whether this set has any elements.
 ConflictSetElement nextElement()
          Returns the next rule to be fired.
 void removeElementsWith(java.lang.Object obj)
          Remove all elements from this set that uses the given object in its instantiations.
Methods inherited from class jeops.conflict.AbstractConflictSet
addInternalConflictSetListener, elementAdded, elementRemoved, fireInternalElementAddedEvent, fireInternalElementRemovedEvent, removeElementsWith_1D, removeElementsWith_2D, removeInternalConflictSetListener
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
, clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, registerNatives, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private java.util.Vector fireableRules
The vector where the fireable rules are stored. It's actually a vector of vectors, to simulate a bidimensional matrix: the lines represent the rules and the columns will have their instantiations.


private java.util.Vector history
The history of rule firings. If one number (of rule) is after another one, it means that that rule was fired most recently.


private int size
The number of elements in this conflict set.
Constructor Detail


public LRUConflictSet()
Class constructor.
Method Detail


private void ensureFireableRulesCapacity(int size)
Auxiliar method that ensures that the fireable rules vector has as many elements as the given integer.
size - the size the vector must have.


public void flush()
Removes all rules from this conflict set, as well as cleaning any history that might have been stored.


public void insertElement(ConflictSetElement element)
Inserts a rule instantiation.
element - a conflict set element that holds the rule index as well as the objects bound to the rule declarations.


public boolean isEmpty()
Checks whether this set has any elements.
false if there is at least one fireable rule in this set; true otherwise.


public ConflictSetElement nextElement()
                               throws NoMoreElementsException
Returns the next rule to be fired.
a conflict set element among those that have been inserted in this object, according to the policy defined in this conflict set.
NoMoreElementsException - if there aren't any more elements in this conflict set.


public void removeElementsWith(java.lang.Object obj)
Remove all elements from this set that uses the given object in its instantiations.
obj - the given object