Class JoinReteNode


public class JoinReteNode
extends ReteNode

A node in the Rete network that has more than one input, so that objects coming from distinct parts of the network are joined together in instances of this class.

1.0 14 Jul 2000
Carlos Figueira Filho (

Field Summary
private  java.lang.Object[] ARRAY
          Object array, defined as an attribute for efficiency purposes only.
private  int declIndex
private  java.util.Iterator[] its
          Iterator array, defined as an attribute for efficiency purposes only.
private  AbstractRuleBase ruleBase
          The rule base used to check the validity of the property of the incoming objects.
private  int ruleIndex
          The index of the rule that contains the condition to be checked by this node.
private  java.util.List[] waitingObjects
          The objects that are "waiting" at some inputs of this node for the arrival of objects in other inputs, in order to be propagated at this node.
Fields inherited from class jeops.rete.ReteNode
numberInputs, numberOutputs, successors
Constructor Summary
JoinReteNode(int numberInputs, AbstractRuleBase ruleBase, int ruleIndex, int declIndex)
          Class constructor.
Method Summary
 void flush()
          Remove all objects that may be stored in this node.
 void newObject(java.lang.Object obj, int input)
          Informs this node that an object has arrived.
 void remove(java.lang.Object obj)
          Remove the given object from the memory of this node.
 java.lang.String toString()
          Returns a string representation of this object.
Methods inherited from class jeops.rete.ReteNode
addSuccessor, addSuccessor, addSuccessor, getNumberInputs, getNumberOutputs, getSuccessors, propagate
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
, clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, registerNatives, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private java.util.List[] waitingObjects
The objects that are "waiting" at some inputs of this node for the arrival of objects in other inputs, in order to be propagated at this node. It's actually a list of lists, where for every input of this node there is a list of the objects entered by that input.


private AbstractRuleBase ruleBase
The rule base used to check the validity of the property of the incoming objects.


private int ruleIndex
The index of the rule that contains the condition to be checked by this node.


private int declIndex


private final java.lang.Object[] ARRAY
Object array, defined as an attribute for efficiency purposes only.


private final java.util.Iterator[] its
Iterator array, defined as an attribute for efficiency purposes only.
Constructor Detail


public JoinReteNode(int numberInputs,
                    AbstractRuleBase ruleBase,
                    int ruleIndex,
                    int declIndex)
Class constructor.
numberInputs - the number of inputs of this node.
ruleBase - the rule base used to check if this node can be activated.
ruleIndex - the index of the rule that contains the condition to be checked by this node.
declIndex - the index of the declaration being joined by this node.
Method Detail


public void flush()
Remove all objects that may be stored in this node.


public void newObject(java.lang.Object obj,
                      int input)
Informs this node that an object has arrived.
newObject in class ReteNode
obj - the object that arrived at this node.
input - the input number of this node that is to receive the object.


public void remove(java.lang.Object obj)
Remove the given object from the memory of this node.
obj - the object to be removed.


public java.lang.String toString()
Returns a string representation of this object. Useful for debugging.
toString in class java.lang.Object
a string representation of this object.