Information for prospective students
Motivated students looking for a project in the area of computational biology are always welcome.
Applications to our graduate programme (MSc and PhD) are received annually (usually on Oct-Nov) through the CIn website. Admission is processed at the institution level, so I cannot personally comment on your chances of being admitted or funded. A significant number of scholarships are traditionally available for the selected candidates according to their ranks.
If you are an undergraduate student at UFPE, I would also be happy to discuss about the possibility of a research initiation project (iniciação científica). A number of scholarships are awarded annually by the UFPE PIBIC programme.
If you are considering applying to any of these, please contact me as early as possible so we can choose a suitable project based on you background and interests. Check my research page to see if any of that stuff interests you. I would be equally glad to listen to any interesting idea that you have even if it is not directly related to any of my current research topics.
Current students (in chronological order)
- Ranieri Valença (PhD UFPE, CNPq, Mar 2014 - )
- Israel Batista (MSc UFPE, Mar 2015 - )
- Jamerson Lima (MSc UFPE, FACEPE, Mar 2015 - )
- Victor Monteiro (IC UFPE, May 2015 - )
Former students
- Bertha Andaluz (IC UFPE, FACEPE, Aug 2014 - May 2015 )
- Ana Sofia Teixeira (CS Dept - IST Lisbon) - MSc dissertation: Modelos e Métodos para Alinhamento de Transcritoma. Nov 2012
- André Gomes (Biomedical Eng. Dept. - IST Lisbon) - MSc dissertation: A system for automated genome annotation. Nov 2010
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