HTML templates and other silly things.

This is the site of JaRTS, a Java Real Time Strategy Engine developed at UFPE - Brazil.

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07/10/2006 - Version 0.4b released!

06/10/2006 - Important information at the main page - Section Notes!

06/10/2006 - Version 0.4 released!

04/10/2006 - Version 0.3.1 released!

04/10/2006 - Version 0.3 released!

03/10/2006 - Tutorial section updated!

03/10/2006 - Version 0.3 in progress!

02/10/2006 - Site launching!

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There are other sites that research in this same area: RTS simulation. Below you find some links to similar tools that can be interesting in your research or can fit better your expectations. Enjoy them!