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This is the site of JaRTS, a Java Real Time Strategy Engine developed at UFPE - Brazil.

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In this section you can find all the download versions of the JaRTS.

This section is updated very frequently. You must visit it very often too.

Current Versions (J2SE 1.5)

In this section you can find the most recent version of the JaRTS. And at the bottom of the page you can find the older versions.

  • JaRTS v0.4b - Press here to download

In this version you can find the follow modifications:

  1. New Maps.
  2. Version used in the contest.

  • JaRTS v0.4 - Press here to download

In this version you can find the follow modifications:

  1. The simulation have changed: the jarts have a thread to each team! Now it's very important to take care with the "speed x efficiency " tradeoff because with your strategy takes too long you will lost the frame update. Then take care to update the action of each unit inside the frame period.

  • JaRTS v0.3.1 - Press here to download

In this version you can find the follow modifications:

  1. The function getQuantity() now can be acessed directly by the resource.
  2. The resources of the mine are decreased when the worker is mining. When the mine resources finish, the mine disappear.
  3. Now it's possible to see in the interface the resource quantity of each mine.

  • JaRTS v0.3 - Press here to download

In this version you can find the follow modifications:

  1. The function getElementAt(int, int) now can be acessed directly by a unit instance like this.getElementAt(x,y).
  2. Now is possible acess the remaining time using the function getTime() that returns a long type.
  3. The remaining time is showed in the user interface too.
  4. The time of the cicle is configurable now at the rules panel.
  5. Some bugs are now fixed.

  • JaRTS v0.2 - Press here to download

In this version you can find the follow modifications:

  1. User friendly interface
  2. Map configuration (twelve different maps)
  3. Rules configuration (time and game mode)

  • JaRTS v0.1 - Press here to download

This is the first JaRTS release. This is a console version.

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07/10/2006 - Version 0.4b released!

06/10/2006 - Important information at the main page - Section Notes!

06/10/2006 - Version 0.4 released!

04/10/2006 - Version 0.3.1 released!

04/10/2006 - Version 0.3 released!

03/10/2006 - Tutorial section updated!

03/10/2006 - Version 0.3 in progress!

02/10/2006 - Site launching!

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There are other sites that research in this same area: RTS simulation. Below you find some links to similar tools that can be interesting in your research or can fit better your expectations. Enjoy them!