Honors and Awards

Below are some of the recent honors and awards:

  • Recipient of the Undergraduate Teaching Award, Centro de Informática, UFPE, 2024

  • Advisor of the Best Doctoral Dissertation defended in Brazil in 2023 in the area of Computer Networks and Distributed Systems (Advisee: Paulo Freitas de Araújo Filho, UFPE)

  • Advisor of the only Brazilian recipient of the Microsoft Research PhD Fellowship 2022 (PhD candidate: Paulo Freitas de Araújo Filho, UFPE)

  • CNPq Research Productivity Fellowship Award, 2022-2025

  • Co-recipient of the 2nd Best Paper of Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos (SBRC 2019) (out of 228 submissions and 80 accepted papers), Gramado, Brazil (paper: Novo algoritmo para provisão de banda de guarda adaptativa em redes ópticas elásticasin Portuguese).

  • CNPq Research Productivity Fellowship Award, 2019-2022

  • CNPq Research Productivity Fellowship Award, 2016-2019

  • The Watchful Sleep mode is now the only allowed power saving technique in 40-Gigabit-capable passive optical networks (NG-PON2), ITU-T, 2015.

  • The Watchful Sleep mode, a novel ONU power management mode that improves the energy efficiency in TDM PONs, which we published in the paper Unifying sleep and doze modes for energy-efficient PON systems, is now an ITU-T standard, 2014.

  • Co-recipient of the Best Paper Award in the Workshop em Redes de Acesso em Banda Larga (WRA), co-located with SBRC 2014, Florianópolis, Brazil (paper: Eficiência Energética em Redes Ópticas de Acesso de Próxima geraçãoin Portuguese).

  • CNPq Research Productivity Fellowship Award, 2013-2016

  • CNPq Research Productivity Fellowship Award, 2010-2013

  • Co-recipient of the Best Paper Award in the IEEE GLOBECOM 2009 (2nd GreenComm), Hawaii, USA (paper: Sleep mode for energy saving PONs: Advantages and drawbacks). Google Scholar citations of this paper can be found here